As a partner and global co-chair of Sidley Austin’s entertainment, media and sports group, my professional life is filled with high-stakes negotiations, complex strategies and the relentless pursuit of excellence. At home, my life is not far off, the stakes are high, and the negotiations and strategies are complex having to constantly negotiate with kids ranging from 1 to 9 years old. I often find that the most profound lessons I’ve learned come not from the boardroom or the negotiation table, but from the daily experiences of parenting.

Parenting is humbling and centering.  In my opinion, it’s even harder than being a law firm partner… but it’s worth it! While many strive for balance, I’ve come to realize it may not truly exist. Instead, I’d like to share some of the lessons that have shaped my approach to both work and family, helping me navigate the challenges and rewards of each.

Be Present, Not Perfect