• June 1, 2003 |

    Southwest: All go on the western front

    Bristol's capacity to lure London lawyers away from the smoke remains undiminished. The region's law firms are developing in leaps and bounds as a result, writes Simon Chadwick

    1 minute read

  • June 1, 2003 |

    London: Business as usual

    Despite the wailing and gnashing of teeth, there are still encouraging signs of life on the London market, writes Penny Terndrup. Rather than the recent downturn, it may be the late 1990s boom that was the abnormal event

    1 minute read

  • May 28, 2003 |

    OC and Macfarlanes added to Warner Estate legal panel

    Duo gain access to £600m portfolio as Olswang suffers blow with only secondary role

    1 minute read

  • May 14, 2003 |

    Altheimers dancing to a different tune

    City arm of Chicago firm takes tough decisions to increase profitability under new management team

    1 minute read

  • May 14, 2003 |

    Altheimers review leads to City management overhaul

    US firm installs new London management team as part of review to increase profitability

    1 minute read

  • May 12, 2003 |

    Dentons slashes junior intake and offloads 70

    Deepest cuts yet hit London legal market as Dentons and Clifford Chance wield the axe

    1 minute read

  • April 30, 2003 |

    Cambridge & Thames Valley: Ups and downs in the valley

    It has been a year of consolidation and change in Cambridge and the Thames Valley region as local firms scramble to reposition themselves against strong competition from their City rivals. James Baxter and Paul Hodkinson report

    1 minute read

  • April 30, 2003 |

    Cambridge & Thames Valley: University Challenge

    Despite the hype over the 'Cambridge phenomenon', Oxford University has a far superior record of spinning out successful technology companies. Now Cambridge University wants a piece of the action. Derek Bedlow reports

    1 minute read

  • April 30, 2003 |

    Cambridge & Thames Valley: Meeting the standard

    Cambridge and the Thames Valley are home to a wealth of emerging companies, developed off the back of some of the most respected research centres in Europe. If these are to grow into the Ftse 100 of tomorrow, addressing issues of corporate governance will be vital, says Greg Leyshon

    1 minute read

  • April 16, 2003 |

    Southwest focus: The hare and the tortoise

    The one thing Burges Salmon and Osborne Clarke have in common is that they dominate the Bristol market. But with its racy neighbour enduring a sustained period of turbulence, blue-blooded Burges Salmon is enjoying a rare stint in the limelight. John Malpas reports

    1 minute read