• May 14, 2002 |

    Dorseys swoop secures Flehr

    By Legal Week Global staff

    1 minute read

  • May 11, 2002 |

    Dorseys swoop secures San Francisco

    Legal Week reports

    1 minute read

  • April 17, 2002 |

    The big sleep

    At the turn of the century City lawyers were relishing the prospect of a German M&A boom. Two years on with the economy flagging and the Takeover Code hitting some damaging hurdles, the outlook is not so rosy. Jan Harvey reports

    1 minute read

  • April 17, 2002 |

    McDermotts targets Silicon Valley market

    Legal Week Global reports

    1 minute read

  • April 17, 2002 |

    US firms step up London invasion

    Legal Week Global reports

    1 minute read

  • April 17, 2002 |

    Outgrowing the windy city

    With corporate HQs leaving the city, it is no surprise that Chicago's top tier firms are looking beyond their hometown. They know where they want to be; it is how they get there that they disagree on, says Felicity Clarke

    1 minute read

  • April 10, 2002 |

    Rider on the storm

    Only three years ago Simmons & Simmons was being written off as the next firm to disappear from the legal landscape. Today it appears confident with a much brighter future. Saira Zaki charts the firm's path through the storm into safer - but still hazardous - waters

    1 minute read

  • March 27, 2002 |

    Riding out the slowdown

    Things may be looking bleak for US firms in their domestic market, but there is likely to be no respite for City firms hoping that the slowdown affects US firms' activities in London. Philip Hoult talks to several international firms about their UK expansion plans

    1 minute read

  • March 27, 2002 |

    US firms hold nerve in London expansion

    Investment continues despite slowdown, but firms struggle to attract UK lawyers

    1 minute read

  • March 20, 2002 |

    The employee strikes back

    The UK's flexible employment laws have long left employees with little protection against the whims of the employer. But, with increasing legislation protecting the worker, that is all set to change. Jan Harvey looks at the implications for employment lawyers

    1 minute read