• April 4, 2002 |

    Mayer Brown boosts Paris with Fried Frank hire

    Legal Director reports

    1 minute read

  • March 27, 2002 |

    Mayer Brown completes PII purchase for GE

    Legal Week reports

    1 minute read

  • March 27, 2002 |

    Increase of LLPs expected in wake of Andersen crisis

    More UK law firms investigate switching to LLP status as claims against lawyers rise

    1 minute read

  • March 27, 2002 |

    Riding out the slowdown

    Things may be looking bleak for US firms in their domestic market, but there is likely to be no respite for City firms hoping that the slowdown affects US firms' activities in London. Philip Hoult talks to several international firms about their UK expansion plans

    1 minute read

  • March 27, 2002 |

    Proceed with care

    Post-Enron the need to take steps to protect yourself when considering foreign outposts or international mergers is ever more acute, says Colin Ives

    1 minute read

  • March 27, 2002 |

    Seismic changes

    The collapse of Enron and the Andersen crisis are sending shock waves around the global business community. But what impact will the accountant's fall from grace have on the legal landscape? In a Legal Week special report Scott Neilson asks leading legal and accountancy figures what lessons can be learned from the Enron/Andersen affair in five key business areas

    1 minute read

  • March 20, 2002 |

    The employee strikes back

    The UK's flexible employment laws have long left employees with little protection against the whims of the employer. But, with increasing legislation protecting the worker, that is all set to change. Jan Harvey looks at the implications for employment lawyers

    1 minute read

  • March 13, 2002 |

    Morrison resigns from Rowe & Maw partnership

    Legal Week reports

    1 minute read

  • March 13, 2002 |

    Neither here nor there

    A sense of deja vu pervaded the collapse of Theodore Goddard's latest round of merger talks, with Salans Hertzfeld & Heilbronn. Now the firm is paying the price for its indecisiveness. But, says James Baxter, it is not too late for it to get back on track

    1 minute read

  • March 12, 2002 |

    Time to take stock

    The boom times have come to a close - at least for now. Derek Bedlow looks at what this means for law firms

    1 minute read