• August 9, 2000 |

    A time of plenty for firms

    In a four-page special of the 1999-2000 year-end results, Philip Hoult reports on the fortunes of the £100m Club and the medium-sized firms, Alex Novarese analyses the performance of the national and regional firms and Mary Mullally gets a reaction from corporate counsel

    1 minute read

  • August 2, 2000 |

    Dentons' German ally chooses lockstep

    Firm swaps German system for Anglo-Saxon model in preparation for full merger within Denton International

    1 minute read

  • July 26, 2000 |

    Carving out a whole new role

    Virginia Ginnane talks to Simon Kosminsky, new head of IT at SJ Berwin & Co, about the changing expectations of IT appointments

    1 minute read

  • July 26, 2000 |

    Beating the big boys at their own game

    In the increasingly crowded City market, pundits have been saying that mid-tier firms risk being eaten up by the giant firms, which have grown fat on their profits, large client bases and international reach. But, the smaller firms are enjoying a renaissance

    1 minute read

  • July 19, 2000 |

    On the fence, my son

    Legal Week Reports

    1 minute read

  • July 19, 2000 |

    Garretts plays adviser to Crystal Palace sale

    Firm gets work through parent's contact with ex-Palace player Simon Jordan on his £10m purchase of club

    1 minute read

  • July 19, 2000 |

    People and moves

    Legal Week Reports

    1 minute read

  • July 12, 2000 |

    CC tunes in to DMGT radio sale to GWR

    Freshfields loses out on deal due to conflict; CC may be retained by DMGT depending on individuals

    1 minute read

  • July 12, 2000 |

    Altheimers strikes strategic alliance in eastern Europe

    Legal Week Reports

    1 minute read

  • July 12, 2000 |

    Conflicts of interest

    Because the current Law Society rules governing the conduct of lawyers in cases of conflict are unclear, the CLLS published its own recommendations last week in the hope of clarifying the issue. Saira Zaki reports

    1 minute read