• November 21, 2001 |

    Close to the edge

    With the US economy in the doldrums, the Asian Development Bank predicting a tough year in Asia and Argentina struggling to avoid defaulting on its debt, no wonder international firms are feeling the heat in the emerging markets

    1 minute read

  • November 21, 2001 |

    Sector Report: Asset Finance

    In the wake of the terrible events of 11 September and with the fall of Railtrack, the asset finance community has taken a bit of a battering in two of its traditionally most active areas. James Baxter looks at what the future holds

    1 minute read

  • November 21, 2001 |

    Dentons wins major US client

    Legal Week reports

    1 minute read

  • November 21, 2001 |

    Has Woolf changed anything?

    When the Woolf reforms were introduced concerns were expressed about the extent to which expert evidence would be restricted and the possibility of loss of privilege in the instructions and papers sent to experts. Matthew Vinall looks at the CPR in practice

    1 minute read

  • November 14, 2001 |

    Firm focus: Denton Wilde Sapte

    Denton Wilde Sapte may be behind rivals in terms of European coverage but James Baxter finds compensation in the firm's media focus and banking connections

    1 minute read

  • November 14, 2001 |

    Nabarros bags major property client in £146m deal

    Legal Week reports

    1 minute read

  • November 7, 2001 |

    DJ Freeman property expert joins Mishcons

    Legal Week reports

    1 minute read

  • November 7, 2001 |

    Firm focus: Lovells

    Reborn Europhile Lovells has suffered its fair share of reverses in its home market. However, Saira Zaki finds a strong City player that is not for turning

    1 minute read

  • November 7, 2001 |

    M&S property leaseback underway

    Legal Week reports

    1 minute read

  • November 7, 2001 |

    Dentons scores £1.6bn broadcasting rights deal

    Legal Week reports

    1 minute read