• February 9, 2000 |

    Morgan Lewis shuts down Singapore, Jakarta offices

    Practice damaged when rainmaker defected to White & Case

    1 minute read

  • January 12, 2000 |

    Morgan Cole swoops on Edward Lewis lawyers

    Hires Latest firm to benefit from dissolution takes nine to bolster Croydon insurance division

    1 minute read

  • January 12, 2000 |

    Oxford's Rippon wins IT role in Morgans' new strategy

    IT Partner-level IT guru appointed to develop intranet system; other ventures to follow

    1 minute read

  • January 12, 2000 |


    Joint ventures

    1 minute read

  • January 12, 2000 |


    Mergers and acquisitions

    1 minute read

  • January 12, 2000 |

    The reinvention of Finers

    When Finers Stephen Innocent snapped up 11 lawyers from Edward Lewis, it was the third time in less than two years that the firm had absorbed teams from disintegrating rivals - but its biggest challenge is still to come. Philip Hoult reports on how this rapidly expanding firm must ensure it attracts and retains enough clients to guarantee its survival

    1 minute read

  • January 12, 2000 |

    Not just a man in a suit

    Linda Tsang meets Slaughter and May tax lawyer extraordinaire, Stephen Edge, and finds a 'showman' with a passion for Bolton Wanderers who lives and breathes the subject of taxes - and manages to make it sound interesting too

    1 minute read

  • December 8, 1999 |

    Sonnenscheins partner returns to DJ Freeman

    Legal Week Reports

    1 minute read

  • December 1, 1999 |

    Morgan Cole parts with four partners in final shake-up

    Partner losses- Conveyancing and matrimonial practices cut back in bid to boost corporate business

    1 minute read

  • December 1, 1999 |

    Inside: Lehman Brothers

    Sara Zaki speaks to Piers Le Marchant, European legal director of Lehman Brothers, and finds

    1 minute read