• May 23, 2007 |

    Top firms maintain lockstep but usher in more power to intervene

    Top commercial law firms are increasingly turning to performance-based pay packages as the UK's legal elite looks to reward its outstanding performers.

    1 minute read

  • May 23, 2007 |

    Dealmaker: Adrian Bott

    One of the City's most experienced transactional media specialists, Adrian Bott heads Osborne Clarke's corporate team

    1 minute read

  • May 23, 2007 | International Edition

    SJ Berwin outpaces CC with 16% NQ pay-hike

    SJ Berwin has hiked its pay for newly-qualified lawyers to £64,000, matching the increases already announced by City rivals including Ashurst and Herbert Smith. The pay-rise represents a 16% increase on last year's rate of £55,000 and places SJ Berwin above magic circle firms Clifford Chance and Slaughter and May, which both pay new solicitors £63,500.

    1 minute read

  • May 23, 2007 |

    SJ Berwin outpaces CC with 16% NQ pay-hike

    SJ Berwin has hiked its pay for newly-qualified lawyers to £64,000, matching the increases already announced by City rivals including Ashurst and Herbert Smith. The pay-rise represents a 16% increase on last year's rate of £55,000 and places SJ Berwin above magic circle firms Clifford Chance and Slaughter and May, which both pay new solicitors £63,500.

    1 minute read

  • May 23, 2007 |

    Legal Week Lunchbox: 23/5/2007

    The five most popular stories of the day on legalweek.com; the best readers' comments and a Talkback special on the rise of class actions in the UK and Europe.

    1 minute read

  • May 22, 2007 | International Edition

    Ashurst ups NQ salaries by 16% to £64k

    Ashurst has upped its associate salaries, with the City giant matching firms including Linklaters and Herbert Smith to pay its newly-qualified solicitors £64,000. The pay-rise, effective from the start of this month, represents a 16% increase on last year's rate of £55,000.

    1 minute read

  • May 22, 2007 |

    Ashurst ups NQ salaries by 16% to £64k

    Ashurst has upped its associate salaries, with the City giant matching firms including Linklaters and Herbert Smith to pay its newly-qualified solicitors £64,000. The pay-rise, effective from the start of this month, represents a 16% increase on last year's rate of £55,000.

    1 minute read

  • May 22, 2007 |

    Legal Week Lunchbox: 22/5/2007

    The five most popular stories on legalweek.com today; more advice from readers on Career Clinic; and the best of the blogs.

    1 minute read

  • May 21, 2007 |

    PEP up 15% as Norton Rose unveils '07 results

    Norton Rose has announced its end-of-year financial results for 2006-07, with the City giant posting double-digit improvements in both turnover and partner profits. Turnover was up 11% at the top 10 City firm from £210m last year to a new mark of £233m. Meanwhile, average profits per equity partner (PEP) were up 15% to a new mark of £512,000.

    1 minute read

  • May 17, 2007 |

    Bryan Cave hits continental Europe with Willkie raid

    Bryan Cave has taken its first steps into mainland Europe after snaring a four-partner team from the Italian arm of US rival Willkie Farr & Gallagher, with further launches on the Continent expected in the coming months.

    1 minute read