• May 26, 2004 |

    Ready (or not)

    In business, 90% of documents are now created and stored electronically. The implications for litigation are immense. So why are UK lawyers in the sector unprepared? Derek Bedlow reports on the Legal Week/ Kroll Ontrack Insight survey into electronic disclosure

    1 minute read

  • May 26, 2004 |

    Getting it in proportion

    UK litigators are making strides to develop thinking on electronic disclosure. Derek Bedlow discusses the content of a consultation paper produced by the Commercial Litigation Forum

    1 minute read

  • May 26, 2004 |

    Central and Eastern Europe: The waiting game

    Rarely has a happening in the European Union been trailed as closely as the accession of 10 new countries this May. Lawyers in Central and Eastern Europe see 2004 as being a half-way marker in the development of their markets, although the predictions are that it will take a decade for the full benefits of EU membership to be seen. Sophie Evans reports

    1 minute read

  • May 26, 2004 |

    Central & Eastern Europe: The waiting game

    Rarely has a happening in the European Union been trailed as closely as the accession of 10 new countries this May. Lawyers in Central and Eastern Europe see 2004 as being a half-way marker in the development of their markets, although the predictions are that it will take a decade for the full benefits of EU membership to be seen. Sophie Evans reports

    1 minute read

  • May 12, 2004 |

    Spanish legal market grows by nearly 10%

    Legal Week reports

    1 minute read

  • May 5, 2004 |

    Cable & Wireless trims global panel

    Legal Week reports

    1 minute read

  • April 28, 2004 |

    Crowell launches UK hedge funds practice

    Legal Week reports

    1 minute read

  • April 28, 2004 |

    Self identity

    As the world's biggest law firms struggle to make their presences felt in their secondary markets, Mark Greene and Gavin Ingham Brooke look at how the distinctive cultures of US and UK law firms can be used to their advantage in carving out a niche in one another's markets

    1 minute read

  • April 28, 2004 |

    Self identity

    As the world's biggest law firms struggle to make their presences felt in their secondary markets, Mark Greene and Gavin Ingham Brooke look at how the distinctive cultures of US and UK law firms can be used to their advantage in carving out a niche in one another's markets

    1 minute read

  • April 28, 2004 |

    Under pressure

    Although implementing cutting edge software has helped firms and the lawyers within them, many have fallen back on old systems they are most familiar with. John Rogers looks at what can be done

    1 minute read