• June 7, 2000 |

    Freedom or Fraternity

    As hard as it is for them to stomach, allowing the firm to be taken over may be what Ashurst Morris Crisp partners have to accept if they are to realise their ambition of sitting at the global top table, writes Philip Hoult

    1 minute read

  • June 7, 2000 |

    Seconding that motion

    Are secondments really such a good idea? Mary Mullally talks to lawyers in private practice and in-house to assess the pros and cons of placing staff in-house

    1 minute read

  • May 31, 2000 |

    Treasury faces fight over market abuse legislation

    City Solicitors Committee's supportive stance over House of Lords amendment pits it against Government

    1 minute read

  • May 24, 2000 |

    Ashursts joins Slaughters as plcs' favourite

    Legal Week Reports

    1 minute read

  • May 24, 2000 |

    It's a tough job...

    Being a senior partner in a modern law firm has never been tougher. The role has come a long way from the old buffer who has reached the position purely by dint of length of service. So, asks Philip Hoult, why would anyone want the job?

    1 minute read

  • May 24, 2000 |

    Refusing to pay a higher price

    Following the recent pay hikes for assistants in private practice, Mary Mullally speaks to some of the top in-house players to find out how these increases will affect them and what they plan to do about it

    1 minute read

  • May 17, 2000 |

    Slaughters gears up to replace Henderson

    Candidates start to emerge to lead most profitable City firm into the future

    1 minute read

  • May 17, 2000 |

    Slaughters poised to scoop golden Egg

    Legal Week Reports

    1 minute read

  • May 17, 2000 |

    Making it on the list

    Saira Zaki speaks to Jim Bays, chief legal counsel of engineering giant Invensys about his individual method of choosing external advisers, and his directory of lawyers who are graded and ranked according to ability, regardless of their firm

    1 minute read

  • May 17, 2000 |

    Invensys slashes legal spend

    Legal Week Reports

    1 minute read