What are some of your proudest achievements from the past year?
The Office of the New York State Inspector General is a remarkable agency comprised of 112 extraordinarily dedicated public servants with a breathtakingly broad mandate – to investigate fraud, corruption, abuse, criminal activity, and conflicts of interest in over 100 executive branch agencies, the gaming commission, and the welfare and workers’ compensation systems. As such, there is often little time to stop and take a holistic view of operations, and after nearly forty years of existence, under the leadership of 11 Inspectors General, some operational aspects of the office had taken on a bit of a Frankenstein-esque quality. I am incredibly proud to have been given the opportunity and support to standardize many of those functions – including a comprehensive data management overhaul, creating an employee handbook, benchmarking salaries, revamping our hiring processes, overseeing the redesign of an agency intranet, implementing a restructured and robust annual review process, and spearheading the relaunching of a biennial report – that may not be sexy (except to a government nerd like me) but are critical to any properly functioning organization.