Publication Date: 2009-03-04
Practice Area:
Date Filed: 2009-02-24
Court: D.C.Cir.
Judge: Per curiam.
Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorney for state petitioners and state amici: Michael Myers, Attorney General's Office of the State of New York, Albany, N.Y.
for defendant: Attorney for environmental petitioners: Paul Cort, Earthjustice, Oakland, Ca.
Attorney for industry petitioners: Denise Kennedy, Holland & Hart, Denver; Richard Schwartz, Crowell & Morning, Washington, D.C.
Attorney for respondent: Norman Rave Jr. and Brian Lynk, Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.
Case Number: 06-1410, Consolidated with 06-1411, 06-1415, 06-1416, 06-1417
Before: GINSBURG, GARLAND, and GRIFFITH, Circuit Judges.In these consolidated cases, we consider several challenges to the Environmental Protection Agency's most recent revision of the National Amb