Publication Date: 2012-02-21
Practice Area:
Court: Bankruptcy Court, Southern District
Judge: Bankruptcy judge Allan L. Gropper
Attorneys: For plaintiff: Counsel to the Reorganized Debtors: By: James H. M. Sprayregen, Esq., Marc Kieselstein, Esq., New York, NY. By: Ryan Blaine Bennett, Esq., Michael B. Slade, Esq., Chicago, Illinois Special Antitrust Counsel to Reorganized Debtors: By: Andrew S. Marovitz, Esq., Mayer Brown LLP, Chicago, Illinois Counsel to Technical Aids to Independence, Inc. and the Proposed Direct Purchaser Class1: By: Eugene A. Spector, Esq., Jeffrey J. Corrigan, Esq., Jeffrey L. Spector, Esq., Spector, Roseman, Kodroff & Willis, P.C., Philadelphia, PA Counsel to Direct Purchasers Martinez Manufacturing, Inc. and ACAP LLC: By: Gregory P. Hansel, Esq., Preti Flaherty Beliveau & Pachios LLP, Portland, Maine Counsel to Susan LaCava and the Proposed Indirect Purchaser Class2: By: Bernard Persky, Esq., Hollis L. Salzman, Esq., Kellie Lerner, Esq., Seth Gassman, Esq., Amy Garzon, Esq., Labaton Sucharow LLP, New York, NY.
for defendant:
Case Number: 09-14326 (ALG)
Cite as: In re: Lear Corp., 09-14326 (ALG), NYLJ 1202542556167, at *1 (SDNY, Decided February 10, 2012)Bankruptcy Judge Allan L. Gr