Publication Date: 2012-08-20
Practice Area:
Court: U.S. Court of Appeals, Second Circuit
Judge: Before: Pooler, B.D. Parker, and Carney, C.JJ.
Attorneys: For plaintiff: For Appellant, Nathaniel Grayton: Julia Pamela Heit, New York, N.Y.
for defendant: For Appellee, Robert Ercole: Morgan J. Dennehy, Leonard Joblove, Anthea N. Bruffee, Assistant District Attorneys (of counsel) on behalf of Charles J. Hynes, District Attorney Kings County, Brooklyn, N.Y. *1
Case Number: 10-1419
Cite as: Grayton v. Ercole, 10-1419, NYLJ 1202567735624, at *1 (2d Cir., Decided August 15, 2012)Before: Pooler, B.D. Parker, and Carney, C.JJ.p clas