• August 14, 2014 | Daily Report Online

    Get Your Motor Running: Carter Allen and Motorcycles

    Solo practitioner Carter Allen b his first road motorcycle on his 40th birthday, although he has been riding dirt bikes since he was a teenager. "Without telling my dad, I b

    1 minute read

  • August 14, 2014 | New Jersey Law Journal

    Vornado Makes $272.5M Sale

    Vornado Makes $272.5M Sale Atlanta-based real estate firm Jamestown Properties on Aug. 6 announced it has paid $272.5 million to acquire outdoor retailer Th

    1 minute read

  • August 13, 2014 | The American Lawyer

    Alston & Bird, Weil Advise on FleetCor's Comdata Buy

    FleetCor Technologies Inc., the global provider of fuel cards and workforce payment products, has agreed to buy the electronic payment processing company Comdata Inc. from Ceridian LLC and T

    1 minute read

  • Laumann v. National Hockey League, 12-cv-1817

    Publication Date: 2014-08-13
    Practice Area:
    Court: U.S. District Court, Southern District
    Judge: District Judge Shira A. Scheindlin
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: For Plaintiffs: Edward A. Diver, Esq., Howard I. Langer, Esq., Peter E. Leckman, Esq., Langer Grogan & Diver, P.C., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
    for defendant: Kevin M. Costello, Esq., Gary E. Klein, Esq., Klein Kavanagh Costello, LLP, Boston, Massachusetts. Michael Morris Buchman, Esq., John A. Ioannou, Esq., Pomerantz Haudek Block Grossman & Gross LLP, New York, NY. Alex Schmidt, Esq., Mary Jane Fait, Esq., Wolf Haldenstein Adler Freeman & Herz LLP, New York, NY. Robert LaRocca, Esq., Kohn, Swift & Graf, P.C., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. J. Douglas Richards, Esq., Jeffrey Dubner, Esq., Cohen, Milstein, Sellers & Toll, PLLC, New York, NY. For Defendants Office of the Commissioner of Baseball, Major League Baseball Enterprises Inc., MLB Advanced Media L.P., MLB Advanced Media, Inc., Athletics Investment Group, LLC, The Baseball Club of Seattle, L.L.P., Chicago White Sox, Ltd., Colorado Rockies Baseball Club, Ltd., The Phillies, Pittsburgh Baseball, Inc., and San Francisco Baseball Associates, L.P.: Bradley I. Ruskin, Esq., Carl Clyde Forbes, Esq., Helene Debra Jaffe, Esq., Jennifer R. Scullion, Esq., Robert Davis Forbes, Esq., Proskauer Rose LLP, New York, NY. Thomas J. Ostertag, Esq., Senior Vice President and General Counsel, Office of the Commissioner of Baseball, New York, NY. For Defendants National Hockey League, NHL Enterprises, L.P., NHL Interactive Cyberenterprises, LLC, Chicago Blackhawk Hockey Team, Inc., Comcast-Spectacor, L.P., Hockey Western New York LLC, Lemieux Group, L.P., Lincoln Hockey LLC, New Jersey Devils LLC, New York Islanders Hockey Club, L.P. and San Jose Sharks, LLC: Shepard Goldfein, Esq., James A. Keyte, Esq., Paul M. Eckles, Esq., Matthew M. Martino, Esq., Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP, New York, NY. For Defendants DIRECTV, LLC, DIRECTV Sports Networks, LLC, DIRECTV Sports Net Pittsburgh, LLC a/k/a Root Sports Pittsburgh, DIRECTV Sports Net Rocky Mountain, LLC a/k/a Root Sports Rocky Mountain, and DIRECTV Sports Net Northwest, LLC a/k/a Root Sports Northwest: Andrew E. Paris, Esq., Joann M. Wakana, Esq., Louis A. Karasik, Esq., Alston & Bird LLP, Los Angeles, California. For Defendants Comcast Corporation, Comcast SportsNet Philadelphia, L.P., Comcast SportsNet Mid-Atlantic L.P., Comcast SportsNet California, LLC, and Comcast SportsNet Chicago, LLC: Arthur J. Burke, Esq., James W. Haldin, Esq., Davis Polk & Wardwell, New York, NY. For Yankees Entertainment and Sports Networks, LLC and New York Yankees Partnership: Jonathan D. Schiller, Esq., Alan Vickery, Esq., Christopher Duffy, Esq., Boies, Schiller & Flexner LLP, New York, NY. For Defendants The Madison Square Garden Company and New York Rangers Hockey Club: Stephen R. Neuwirth, Esq., Richard I. Werder, Jr., Esq., Ben M. Harrington, Esq., Quinn Emanuel Urquhart Oliver and Sullivan LLP, New York, NY.

    Case Number: 12-cv-1817 (SAS)

    Cite as: Laumann v. NHL, 12-cv-1817 (SAS), NYLJ 1202666533805, at *1 (SDNY, Decided August 4, 2014) 12-cv-1817 (SAS) District Judge Shira A. Sche

  • August 12, 2014 | Corporate Counsel

    Using the ITC to Mitigate PTO Patent Proceeding Kill Rates

    In typical district court patent litigation, patent owners have greater leverage throughout the litigation. They enjoy permissive discovery standards, extensive motion practice, extended tim

    1 minute read

  • August 10, 2014 | Litigation Daily

    Judge Won't Toss Antitrust Class Actions Against MLB, NHL

    Major League Baseball, the National Hockey League and cable broadcasters are stuck fighting claims that they schemed to shield regional sports networks from competition for live game broadc

    1 minute read

  • August 8, 2014 | Daily Report Online

    Aaron's Seeks to Limit Access to Litigation Details on Customers

    Former customers who are suing Aaron's Inc. and its franchises claim that when the rental company installed remotely activated secret spyware on its rental computers, company employees h

    1 minute read

  • August 6, 2014 | Daily Report Online

    Lawyers Key in Nunn Campaign

    If recently leaked campaign strategy memos are to be believed, U.S. Senate candidate Michelle Nunn is looking to Georgia lawyers as a pillar of her bid for Congress. Names of lawyers

    1 minute read

  • August 4, 2014 | The Recorder

    Judge Rejects Takeda's Tactic in Generics Fight

    SAN FRANCISCO — A federal judge has cried foul over punches thrown by Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. in a patent brawl to decide the fate of a planned generic for its acid reflux

    1 minute read

  • August 1, 2014 | The Recorder

    The Recorder Names 50 Women Leaders in Tech Law

    This year's list of Women Leaders in Tech Law includes 28 women from large and boutique law firms, 19 from in-house departments at some of the region's most-watched companies, a pair

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