• Matter of Master v Pohanka

    Publication Date: 2007-08-22
    Practice Area:
    Court: Appellate Division, 2nd Dept
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 2007-07543

    STEPHEN G. CRANE, J.P. GABRIEL M. KRAUSMAN GLORIA GOLDSTEIN ANITA R. FLORIO WILLIAM E. McCARTHY, JJ. In the Matter of Robert Master, etc., et al., appellantsCharles J. Pohanka III, et al.,

  • Matter of Bank (JP Morgan Chase Bank N.A.)

    Publication Date: 2008-12-09
    Practice Area:
    Court: Appellate Division, 2nd Dept
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 2008-02585

    Supreme Court of the State of New York Appellate Division: Second Judicial Department PETER B. SKELOS, J.P. DAVID S. RITTER MARK C. DILLON EDWARD D. CARN

  • Colonial Village East v. Bologna

    Publication Date: 2011-02-01
    Practice Area:
    Court: Statewide Grievance Committee
    Judge: Allen, Esq., Fraser, Esq., and Walsh
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 09-0607

  • April 12, 1999 | Legal Times

    Lobby Talk: Getting Over China Syndrome

    Congress is debating strict new controls on high-technology exports. It's not surprising: Today's headlines are full of allegations that China has been trying to filch U.S. nuclear secrets, followi

    1 minute read

  • Sealey v Jamaica Buses, Inc.

    Publication Date: 2007-04-06
    Practice Area:
    Court: Appellate Division, 2nd Dept
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number:

    SANTUCCI, J.P., KRAUSMAN, LIFSON and DILLON, JJ. Edna Elieka Sealey, plaintiff, Cecelia Preston, respondent, v Jamaica Buses, Inc., et al., defendants, Laura Lee, appellant.

  • People v. Smallwood

    Publication Date: 2002-05-21
    Practice Area:
    Court: Appellate Division, 1st Dept
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 1147

    Mazzarelli, J.P., Sullivan, Ellerin, Wallach, Gonzalez, JJ. 1147 The People of the State of New York, Respondent, Ellen Sue Handman -against- Sean Sm

  • May 17, 1999 | Texas Lawyer

    Thou May Discriminate

    Reinforcing the wall separating church and state, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals held May 3 that a federal court has no jurisdiction to consider an employment discrimination suit brought by

    1 minute read

  • People v Lawson

    Publication Date: 2009-09-29
    Practice Area:
    Court: Appellate Division, 2nd Dept
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 2007-10780

    Supreme Court of the State of New York Appellate Division: Second Judicial Department WILLIAM F. MASTRO, J.P. THOMAS A. DICKERSON RANDALL T. ENG L. PRISC

  • People v. Rose

    Publication Date: 2006-10-17
    Practice Area:
    Court: Appellate Division, 1st Dept
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number:

    By Buckley, P.J., Mazzarelli, Williams, Gonzalez, Sweeny, JJ. 9229. People of the State of New York, res, v. Drew Rose, def-ap Robert S. Dean,

  • March 5, 2010 | New Jersey Law Journal

    Unpublished Opinions

    Feb. 25 to March 3, 2010 STATE COURT CASES ADMINISTRATIVE LAW — BOARD OF MEDICAL EXAMINERS 01-2-6934 In the Matter of Ragi , App. Div. (per curiam) (32 pp.)

    1 minute read