• July 1, 2007 | The American Lawyer

    Rise of the Right

    They are not the poor, the infirm, or the otherwise dispossessed. Instead, Harry Korrell III's pro bono clients are parents-predominantly white-from a comfortable suburb of Seattle. Last fall,

    1 minute read

  • February 12, 2010 | The American Lawyer

    It Pays to Hire Cravath: Morgan Stanley Gets $775 Million From Discover

    Discover Financial Services talked a good game in its dispute with Morgan Stanley over the spoils of a $2.75 billion antitrust settlement with Visa and Mastercard. a href="http://www.law.com/jsp/tal/

    1 minute read

  • November 18, 2008 | New York Law Journal

    Firms Rethink the Value Of Associate Bonuses

    Normally around this time of year, associates at New York's big law firms begin gearing up for the annual ritual by which their employers award them year-end bonuses. But th

    1 minute read

  • March 1, 2008 | The American Lawyer

    Big Deals

    Ingersoll-Rand/Trane After each spent most of 2007 slimming down, Ingersoll-Rand Company Limited and Trane Inc. finally decided that they were in good enough shape for each oth

    1 minute read

  • February 18, 2011 | New York Law Journal

    NY Lawyer. 57, Dies

    Daniel McCarthy, a senior trial assistant district attorney and director of trial training in the Bronx District Attorney's Office, died Tuesday at his Queens home after a ma

    1 minute read

  • August 10, 2010 | New York Law Journal

    Law Schools See Signs of Better Job Opportunities for Students

    Emerging from one of the most dismal law firm recruiting seasons in years, law schools are preparing for what early signs indicate will be an improved job market for their students. The ann

    1 minute read

  • April 1, 2006 | Corporate Counsel

    And They're Off!

    William Carstanjen has never been to the Kentucky Derby. Yes, he's seen the last 20 or so on television, but May 6 will mark the first time the general counsel of Churchill Downs Incorporated

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  • September 26, 2007 | New York Law Journal

    Suit Reflects Risks of Practice In Mortgage-Backed Securities

    As the global slowdown in the market for mortgage-backed securities threatens a core practice area of Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft, the New York law firm is also wrestling with a $70 mill

    1 minute read

  • December 27, 2007 | New York Law Journal

    New Deals

    Cravath, Simpson, Skadden Advise $10 Billion Heating Systems Deal Ingersoll-Rand Co. Ltd. has acquired the New Jersey-based heating and air conditioning systems manufacturer Tra

    1 minute read

  • March 1, 2008 | The American Lawyer

    Not Dead . . . Yet

    Reports of the death of the Alien Tort Statute have been greatly exaggerated, or at least announced prematurely. The theory that U.S. corporations could be held liable for aiding and

    1 minute read