• Stonebridge Capital LLC v. Nomura Int'l PLC, 602081/08

    Publication Date: 2009-07-16
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2009-07-02
    Court: Supreme Court, New York County
    Judge: Bernard Fried
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 602081/08

    Justice Bernard Fried NEW YORK COUNTY Supreme Court Justice Fried

  • November 1, 2007 | Law.com

    Corporate Fraud Data Base

    Corporate Fraud Data Basea class="linelink" href="http://www.lawcatalog.com/product_detail.cfm?

    1 minute read

  • February 21, 2012 | The American Lawyer

    Should DOJ Setbacks Encourage Future FCPA Defendants?

    It's no secret that federal prosecutors have shown the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act to be a powerful weapon for combating overseas bribery and winning big settlements over the past few years

    1 minute read

  • Belgium v. United States

    Publication Date: 2009-01-14
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2009-01-07
    Court: Fed. Cir.
    Judge: Dyk, Circuit Judge
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorney for plaintiffs-appellees: Thomas Wilner, Shearman & Sterling, Washington, D.C.
    for defendant: Attorney for defendant-appellant United States: Stephen Tosini, Department of Justice, Washington, D.C. Attorney for defendants-appellants Allegheny Ludlum, et al.: R. Alan Luberda, Kelley Drye & Warren, Washington, D.C.

    Case Number: Nos. 2008-1213 & 1214

    Before BRYSON, DYK, and PROST, Circuit Judges.Opinion for the court filed by Circuit Judge DYK. Dissenting opinion filed by Circuit Judge PROST.The Department of Commerce ("Commerce") issued liq

  • May 30, 2008 | The American Lawyer

    The A-List

    Sponsored Ads td valign="top" align

    1 minute read

  • June 20, 2005 | National Law Journal


    New Arrivals DLA Piper Rudnick Gray Cary: Six finance attorneys from Chicago-based Winston & Strawn have joined its offices in Los Angeles and San Francisco. Gary R

    1 minute read

  • January 16, 2001 | The American Lawyer


    With the Swiss economy at its strongest in a decade and the World Trade Organization's authority rising, Zurich and Geneva firms are facing increasing competition from outsiders looking to get

    1 minute read

  • Lopresti v. Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company

    Publication Date: 2004-10-28
    Practice Area:
    Court: Supreme Court, Kings County
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number:

    Supreme Court IA Part Comm-2 Justice Demarest Lopresti v. Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance - Upon the foregoing papers in this action by plaintiff Carmine A. Lopres

  • May 21, 2004 | The American Lawyer

    For Black Lawyers, a Long, Hard Road

    Eric Moy�, a member of the Harvard Law School class of 1979, decided to become a lawyer in the third grade. Raised in New York City during the civil rights movement, Moy� heard his par

    1 minute read

  • Carematrix of Massachusetts Inc. v. Kaplan

    Publication Date: 2005-01-10
    Practice Area:
    Court: U.S. District Court for the Southern District
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number:

    U.S. DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK Judge Baer Carematrix of Massachusetts, Inc. and Carematrix Corporation (collectively, "Carematrix" or "Plaintiffs")