• January 6, 2004 | Legal Times

    D.C. Circuit Showdown over Yucca Mountain Facility

    WASHINGTON -- A battle over a planned nuclear waste storage facility in Yucca Mountain, Nev., that has spanned almost two decades will reach what could be a final legal showdown in a federal a

    1 minute read

  • November 11, 2002 | New Jersey Law Journal

    SEC Proposes New Disclosure Rules

    The Securities and Exchange Commission has proposed stringent new rules requiring securities lawyers to disclose evidence of wrongdoing at companies they counsel. The propos

    1 minute read

  • June 6, 2007 | National Law Journal

    Ronald's Lawyer

    Name and title: Gloria Santona, corporate executive vice president and general counsel Age: 56 Billions and billions: McDonald's Corp.'s 2006 global revenues of $

    1 minute read

  • January 24, 2005 | New York Law Journal


    Law Firm Disqualified From Liz Claiborne Sex Bias Suit A Manhattan judge has disqualified the law firm Grotta, Glassman & Hoffman from defending Liz Claiborne Inc. in

    1 minute read

  • August 27, 2003 | New York Law Journal


    Judge Rules Mental Hygiene Detentions Are Same as Arrests A federal judge has rejected an argument by advocates for the mentally ill that detentions under Mental Hygiene Law ina

    1 minute read

  • May 9, 2007 | National Law Journal

    Full-Time Law Firm Job: Finding Square Footage

    Attorney Robert Ivanhoe spends up to 1,000 hours each year working on high-stakes real estate deals involving some of the choicest property in the world for a single commercial tenant. If o

    1 minute read

  • September 12, 2012 | The Recorder

    Recorder Announces Its 2012 Women Leaders in Law

    The Recorder has named 40 champion networkers to be recognized as 2012's Women Leaders in Law. This year's awards go to women who have shown creativity and effort in building re

    1 minute read

  • November 3, 2008 | The Recorder

    Monthly Lateral Report

    California lateral partner movements for October 2008 Partner

    1 minute read

  • June 14, 2006 | New York Law Journal

    Associate Salary War Moves to Midwest

    The associate salary war has spread from the coasts to the middle of the United States, with law firms boosting starting pay to stay competitive in a legal market where demand is mounting and

    1 minute read

  • JRP Old Riverhead Ltd. v Town of Southampton

    Publication Date: 2007-10-23
    Practice Area:
    Court: Appellate Division, 2nd Dept
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 2006-05113

    HOWARD MILLER, J.P. GLORIA GOLDSTEIN PETER B. SKELOS RUTH C. BALKIN, JJ. JRP Old Riverhead Ltd., appellant-respondent, v Town of Southampton, respondent-appellant, et al., d