Publication Date: 2011-05-23
Practice Area:
Court: U.S. District Court, Southern District
Judge: Judge Stuart M. Bernstein
Attorneys: For plaintiff: ALSTON & BIRD LLP; Attorneys for Plaintiffs, New York, NY: Craig Carpenito, Esq., Alexander S. Lorenzo, Esq. Of Counsel; John E. Stephenson, Jr., Esq. Of Counsel, Atlanta, GA
for defendant: SCHULTE ROTH & ZABEL LLP: Attorneys for Defendant JANA Partners LLC, New York, NY; Michael E. Swartz, Esq., Nicole Z. Davidson, Esq. Of Counsel DIAMOND MCCARTHY LLP: Attorneys for Defendant Sheila M. Gowan, Chapter 11 Trustee of the Estate New York, NY; Howard D. Ressler, Esq., Stephen T. Loden, Esq., Amos Elberg, Esq., Of Counsel.
Case Number: 08-15051 (SMB)
Cite as: In Re Dreier LLP, 08-15051, NYLJ [web_id_#], at *1 (SDNY, Decided May 23, 2011)Judge Stuart M. BernsteinDecided: May 23, 2011/p