Publication Date: 2012-07-06
Practice Area:
Court: Appellate Division, First Department
Judge: Before: Mazzarelli, J.P., Saxe, Catterson, Acosta and Román, JJ.
Attorneys: For plaintiff: For appellants: Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP, New York (Christine H. Chung, Jake M. Shields and Maaren A. Choksi of counsel), and Balber Pickard Maldonado & Van Der Tuin, PC, New York (John Van Der Tuin of counsel)
for defendant: For respondents: Vladeck, Waldman, Elias & Engelhard, P.C., New York (Milton L. Williams, Jr. and Maia Goodell of counsel), and Kasowitz, Benson, Torres & Friedman LLP, New York (Marc E. Kasowitz, David E. Ross, Trevor J. Welch and Kanchana Wangkeo Leung of counsel)
Case Number: 101289/11
Cite as: Fletcher v. The Dakota, Inc., 101289/11, NYLJ 1202561914688, at *1 (App. Div., 1st, Decided July 3, 2012)Before: Mazzarelli, J.P., Saxe, Catterso