• November 26, 2007 | Texas Lawyer


    NEW POSITIONS . . . James J. Doyle III has joined Cash Klemchuk Powers Taylor in Dallas as a commercial litigation associate. . . . Godwin Pappas Ronquillo has added the

    1 minute read

  • April 13, 2006 | The Recorder

    Spooks Duck Spotlight in AT&T Wiretap

    Amid the flurry of revelations about federal eavesdropping that came out of a class action against AT&T this week, one question remains: Does the National Security Agency plan to sta

    1 minute read

  • February 23, 2009 | National Law Journal

    Hiring from top schools steady in '08

    Despite the economic nosedive that began gaining momentum in 2008, the nation's biggest law firms hired just about the same percentage of graduates from top schools last year as they d

    1 minute read

  • October 3, 2005 | Legal Times

    Life in the Coat Closet

    Robert Travis started his law firm career in a coat closet. Granted, it was the coat closet of Elliot Goldstein, son of Powell Goldstein's name partner Max Goldstein, but it was still a

    1 minute read

  • September 5, 2005 | Legal Times

    Honors and Appointments

    AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION Two D.C. attorneys have been elected as vice chairs of two ABA committees. Hdeel Abdelhady, an associate at Fulbright & Jaworsk

    1 minute read

  • June 24, 2004 | Legal Times

    Big Bucks Used to Woo High Court Clerks

    Tony Mauro [email protected] WASHINGTON-The intense annual competition to lure elite U.S. Supreme Court law clerks to top law firms is reaching record heights this year, wit

    1 minute read

  • June 2, 2010 | The Legal Intelligencer

    FTC Postpones Enforcement of 'Red Flags' Identity Theft Rule

    Under pressure from Congress, the Federal Trade Commission has agreed to postpone enforcement of its "Red Flags" rule that requires lawyers, doctors and other professionals to develop wri

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  • October 27, 2006 | New York Law Journal


    Conviction Stands Despite Judge's Contacts With Prosecutor Two ex parte meetings between a judge and a prosecutor provided no basis for overturning a 2003 murder conviction, Bro

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  • November 17, 2008 | National Law Journal

    Under Del. law, stockholders may inspect records

    Imagine the following scenario: A company has hit a rough patch — a below-expectations quarter, earnings restatement or power struggle among board members. Although no lawsuits have

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  • May 1, 2007 | Corporate Counsel

    The Unkindest Cut

    This March, just two years after some 200 law firms endured the ultimate test of strength and patience for a shot at one of the 152 coveted preferred provider positions at General Electric Com

    1 minute read