• May 4, 1999 | The Recorder

    Most Valuable Players

    JoAnn Hylton isn't a lawyer. She rarely picks up the phone, and she doesn't type much. Yet Hylton, who works for Palo Alto's Fenwick & West, is one of the most sought after professionals

    1 minute read

  • Montalvo v. State

    Publication Date: 2010-05-03
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2010-04-29
    Court: Tex. App. Dist. 1
    Judge: Michael Massengale Justice
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 01-09-01134-CR

    OPINIONAppellant Guillermo Montalvo has been charged with murder (trial court cause number 1237568). See Tex. Penal Code Ann. § 19.02 (Vernon 2003). His pretrial bail was originally set at $50

  • October 5, 2001 | Law.com

    Rich Man, Poor Man

    The $675 per hour that Harold Novikoff at New York's Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz is getting to represent W.R. Grace & Co. in its Delaware bankruptcy these days is 200 percent more tha

    1 minute read

  • September 23, 2013 | The Recorder

    HTC Takes Patent Fight to Jury

    SAN JOSE — Electronics giants like Apple and Sony have long paid to license a family of microprocessor patents for use in their products. But HTC Corp. held out. After years

    1 minute read

  • May 3, 2004 | Alm

    The New Math

    Some say it's ruined the profession. Others say it's lost all meaning as a measure of success. While profits per partner — or PPP — still stands as a sort of shorthand for a law

    1 minute read

  • December 21, 2009 | Special To Law.Com

    IQPC Puts a Wrap on E-Discovery 2009

    IQPC's eDiscovery event of 2009 focused on rapid early case assessment and review strategies, as well as realigning relationships bet

    1 minute read

  • October 31, 2012 | Daily Report Online

    Weather Channel GC oversees legal business in midst of Sandy

    George Callard was named executive vice president and general counsel of The Weather Channel Companies in June. He joined the company in 2011 as senior vice president of legal and business af

    1 minute read

  • January 31, 2012 | The American Lawyer

    The Churn: Lateral Moves and Promotions in The Am Law 200

    Hughes Hubbard & Reed's Paris office is getting a boost from a ten-lawyer lateral group from SNR Denton. The new hires include p

    1 minute read

  • May 16, 2002 | New York Law Journal

    Destination: New York

    By most measures, these are not the best of times for the New York City economy.That economy has lost more than 100,000 jobs since last summer. While the rest of the nation talks

    1 minute read

  • September 21, 2012 | New York Law Journal

    Judge Details N.Y. Bar Admission Pro Bono Mandate

    Details of the new 50-hour pro bono requirement for applicants to the New York bar were unveiled yesterday by Chief Judge Jonathan Lippman. Specifics of the program announced in May we

    1 minute read