• July 13, 2011 | National Law Journal

    How are AmLaw 100 firms using Twitter?

    There was a time when big, respectable law firms would never use silly words like Tweet, Twitter and Twitterverse, but that seems to be changing, at least for some firms. In J

    1 minute read

  • July 5, 2007 | Alm

    Townsend Launches A New D.C. Office

    San Francisco intellectual property firm Townsend & Townsend & Crew is carving out its spot on the East Coast by focusing - at least initially - on patent prosecution and patent litiga

    1 minute read

  • June 28, 2007 | The Recorder

    Private Equity Helps Fuel IP Wars

    Like hungry wolves roving through the financial forest, private equity and hedge funds are always looking for fresh meat, or rather, new investment opportunities. And over the last few months, they

    1 minute read

  • September 23, 2009 | New Jersey Law Journal

    United States of America v. Birks and Beuret

    United States of America v. Birks and Beuret, 07-153 (JBS); U.S. District Court (DNJ); opinion by Simandle, U.S.D.J.;

    1 minute read

  • April 5, 2013 | Connecticut Law Tribune

    Revised Flood Insurance Rate Maps To Affect Towns, Property Owners

    Town planners up and down our coast are updating their websites and planning town meetings to address the changes that have come down the pike from our Federal Emergency Management Agency. FE

    1 minute read

  • February 1, 2010 | The American Lawyer

    The 2010 Lateral Report Buyer's Market

    By most measures, 2009 was a dismal year for the legal industry. One notable exception to the drumbeat of record layoffs and bankruptcy actions: By our count, there were also a record number of lat

    1 minute read

  • March 29, 2010 | National Law Journal

    Where to hold Toyota trial?

    Twenty-three plaintiffs' lawyers lined up against a wall in a federal courtroom in San Diego, awaiting their turn to argue about where to try dozens of cases related to sudden acceleration p

    1 minute read

  • September 24, 2010 | New Jersey Law Journal

    2010 Ineligible List

    Attorney Ineligibility Order Pursuant to Rule 1:28-2(a) SUPREME COURT OF NEW JERSEY Pursuant to Rule 1:28-2, the Trustees of the New Jersey Lawyers' Fund for Client Protection (Fund)

    1 minute read

  • Matter of V.P. v. R. G. V. P., NN-06922/13

    Publication Date: 2013-09-20
    Practice Area:
    Court: Family Court, Kings County
    Judge: Judge Ann O'Shea
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Appeared for Edwin Gould Services for Children and Families: John Robert Eyerman, Esq.
    for defendant: Appeared for Respondent Mother: William C. Hoffman, Esq.

    Case Number: NN-06922/13

    Cite as: Matter of V.P. v. R. G. V. P., NN-06922/13, NYLJ 1202619708162, at *1 (Fam., KI, Decided September 10, 2013) NN-06922/13 Judge Ann O&

  • August 1, 2007 | National Law Journal

    Prevailing Winds

    WASHINGTON � The end of the first full term of the newly constituted Roberts Court marked the beginning of a historical, sharper shift to the right that may go unchallenged for the next decade

    1 minute read