• Lebedev v. Blavatnik

    Publication Date: 2021-02-22
    Practice Area: Contractual Disputes
    Industry: Energy | Mining and Resources
    Court: Appellate Division, First Department
    Judge: Justice Lizbeth Gonzalez
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: For Appellant-Respondent: Michael C. Miller, Evan Glassman and Charles Michael of counsel, Steptoe & Johnson LLP, New York.
    for defendant: For Appellant-Respondent: James M. Catterson of counsel, Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP, New York. For Appellant-Respondent: Thomas E.L. Dewey and Keara A. Bergin of counsel, Dewey Pegno & Kramarsky LLP, New York. For Appellant-Respondent: Andrew W. Hayes, New York. For Leonard Blavatnik and Viktor Vekselberg, Respondents: Richard I. Werder, Jr., Sanford I. Weisburst, Stephen A. Broome and Wesley T. Hartman and Ganfer Shore Leeds & Zauderer LLP, New York, Mark C. Zauderer of counsel, Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP, New York. For Victor Vekselberg, Respondent: Kimberly A. Havlin, Heather K. McDevitt and Isaac S. Glassman of counsel, White & Case LLP, New York.

    Case Number: 650369/14

    Issues Exist if Investment Agreement, Lacking Clause on Loss Sharing, Is Binding Contract