Publication Date: 2015-11-25
Practice Area:
Court: Appellate Division, Fourth Department
Judge: Before: Scudder, P.J., Centra, Peradotto, Lindley, and Valentino, JJ.
Attorneys: For plaintiff: For Defendant-Appellant-Respondent: Vincent G. Saccomando of Counsel, Barclay Damon LLP, Buffalo.
for defendant: For Plaintiff-Respondent-Appellant: Carrie L. Smith of Counsel, Smith, Miner, O'Shea & Smith, LLP, Buffalo. For Defendants-Respondents-Respondents County of Erie and Buffalo Bills Inc.: Troy S. Flascher of Counsel, Goldberg Segalla LLP, Buffalo.
Case Number: 15-00381
Cite as: Giacometti v. Farrell, 15-00381, NYLJ 1202743256857, at *1 (App. Div., 4th, Decided November 20, 2015) CASE NAME Adam Giacometti, Plaintiff-Respondent