• February 1, 2007 | New York Law Journal


    Judge: Norman Threatened to Withdrawal Support Over Vendors Housing Court Judge Marcia Sikowitz (

    1 minute read

  • September 11, 2012 | New York Law Journal

    Dean Aims to Build National Reputation for Touro Law

    Patricia Salkin acknowledges she has become a law school dean at a time when "virtually everything" about the legal profession and legal education is "under fire." But

    1 minute read

  • October 30, 2006 | New York Law Journal


    Norman Warned Counsel May Be Linked to Disbarred Lawyer Prosecutors advised former Assemblyman Clarence Norman and Acting Justice Martin Marcus (a href="http://nycourts.law.com

    1 minute read

  • September 14, 2012 | New York Law Journal

    Dean Aims to Build National Reputation for Touro Law

    Patricia Salkin acknowledges she has become a law school dean at a time when "virtually everything" about the legal profession and legal education is "under fire." But

    1 minute read

  • H.M. v. E.T., U-110-07

    Publication Date: 2007-10-09
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2007-09-11
    Court: Unknown
    Judge: William Warren
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: U-110-07

    Judge William P. Warren ROCKLAND COUNTY Family Court Attorneys for Petitioner: Robyn S. Crosson, Esq. Proskauer Rose LLP Attorneys for Responde

  • December 10, 2012 | New York Law Journal

    Evaluating the Enforceability of Anti-Raiding Provisions

    Employment agreements often include restrictions barring people from soliciting, recruiting or "raiding" employees from their r workplaces. Unlike covenants not to compete with a

    1 minute read

  • February 29, 2008 | New York Law Journal


    Attorney General Seeks Information on How Schools Pay Lawyers The state Attorney General's Office is asking Westchester County's 48 school districts for detailed information on

    1 minute read

  • May 8, 2003 | New York Law Journal

    Court Strikes Another Blow to Firefighter's Rule

    ALBANY — The Court of Appeals yesterday put one more nail in the coffin of the so-called "firefighter's rule," which generally precludes recovery in negligence when a firefighter is inju

    1 minute read

  • October 29, 2004 | New York Law Journal


    Stewart Defense Continues for Fourth Day Accused lawyer Lynne Stewart continued to insist yesterday that her actions representing imprisoned Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman were

    1 minute read

  • Eric Reisner v. Litman & Litman, P.C., 18527/07

    Publication Date: 2010-10-15
    Practice Area:
    Court: Supreme Court, Nassau County
    Judge: Acting Justice Daniel Palmieri
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Joseph Edward Brady, P.C., Attorney for Plaintiff, Howard Beach, NY
    for defendant: Furman Kornfeld & Brennan, LLP, Attorney for Defendants, New York, NY

    Case Number:

    Cite as: Eric Reisner v. Litman & Litman, P.C., 18527/07, NYLJ 1202473385518, at *1 (Sup NA, Decided September 14, 2010).Acting Justice Daniel Palmieri