• June 13, 2002 | New York Law Journal

    Newspaper Wins Request for Documents

    Newspaper Wins Request For DocumentsALBANY - The Court of Appeals yesterday reversed an appellate panel and ordered a state agency to turn over to a Long Island newspaper copies of subpoenae

    1 minute read

  • June 6, 2002 | New York Law Journal

    Joint Session to Choose Board of Regents Upheld

    Court Finds Legislature May Function UnicamerallyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxALBANY - In a decision that renders the current New York State Senate irrelevant in the process of selecting

    1 minute read

  • People v. Kareem Bellamy, 2194/94

    Publication Date: 2011-06-24
    Practice Area:
    Court: Appellate Division, Second Department
    Judge: Before: Angiolillo, J.P., Florio, Leventhal, Miller, JJ.
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Richard A. Brown, District Attorney, Kew Gardens, N.Y. (John M. Castellano and Sharon Y. Brodt of counsel), for appellant.
    for defendant: Steven Banks, New York, N.Y. (David Crow, Law Offices of Thomas Hoffman, P.C., and Cravath, Swaine & Moore, LLP [Evan R. Chesler, Darin P. McAtee, Antony L. Ryan, Craig A. Batchelor, Dashene A. Cooper, and Robert A. Miranne], of counsel), for respondent (one brief filed).

    Case Number: 2194/94

    Cite as: People v. Kareem Bellamy, 2194/94, NYLJ 1202495670445, at *1 (App. Div, 2nd, Decided May 24, 2011)Before: Angiolillo, J.P., Florio, Leventhal, Miller,