• Lehman v. Pennsylvania State Police

    Publication Date: 2001-08-21
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2001-08-17
    Court: Pa. Commw. Ct.
    Judge: Judge McGINLEY
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 2446 C.D. 2000

    Argued: June 6, 2001OPINIONMichael S. Lehman (Lehman) seeks review of an October 2, 2001, order of the Office of Attorney General (OAG), that denied Lehman's request for relief from the Pennsylv

  • May 3, 2004 |

    State Court Rulings

    Plans to Add New Judge in Blair CountyAltoona — Lawmakers planned to introduce legislation last week that would add a fifth judge to Blair County's bench, according to a spokesman for st

    1 minute read

  • Combs v. Homer-Center School District

    Publication Date: 2008-08-25
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2008-08-21
    Court: 3rd Cir.
    Judge: Per curiam.
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: Nos. 06-3090, 06-3091, 06-3092, 06-3093, 06-3094, 06-3095

    PRECEDENTIALArgued November 6, 2007Before: SCIRICA, Chief Judge, AMBRO and JORDAN, Circuit Judges.OPINION OF THE COURTAt issue is whether certain parents who home-school their children mus

  • May 12, 2003 |

    News in Brief

    Private Citizens Cannot Bring ChargesPhiladelphia — Activists who have long maintained that city prosecutors turn a blind eye to police brutality have lost one of their few legal weapons

    1 minute read

  • February 24, 2003 |

    Superior Court Limits Frye Test To 'Novel' Scientific Evidence

    The majority of an en banc Superior Court panel has issued an opinion that attempts to update case law regarding the admissibility of scientific evidence and reinstates a $5 million verdic

    1 minute read

  • December 22, 2008 |

    Drinking and Driving, But Still On the Clock

    A Superior Court panel has reinforced the holding that employees who drink alcohol before driving a company vehicle are not acting outside the scope of their employment. The decision, which

    1 minute read

  • August 26, 2009 | The Legal Intelligencer

    Trial Judges Can Call for Second Bite at 1925(b) Apple

    Trial judges have the authority to order second appeal issue statements when the first statements are unclear, the state Supreme Court ruled Friday. The high court's decision overturned a br

    1 minute read

  • June 16, 2008 | The Legal Intelligencer

    Your 'Honorific': Is a Judge by Any Other Profession Still 'Judge'?

    The past several years have seen a lot of turnover in the state's courts as many judges have chosen to hang up their robes in exchange for law firm life. Does that mean they have to hand

    1 minute read

  • June 23, 2008 |


    The past several years have seen a lot of turnover in the state's courts as many judges have chosen to hang up their robes in exchange for law firm life. Does that mean they have to hand in their t

    1 minute read

  • August 31, 2009 |

    Appellate Practice

    Trial judges have the authority to order second appeal issue statements when the first statements are unclear, the state Supreme Court ruled Friday. The high court's decision overturned a br

    1 minute read