Publication Date: 2010-07-06
Practice Area:
Date Filed: 2010-07-02
Court: C.A. 3rd
Attorneys: For plaintiff: K. William Curtis, Warren C. Stracener, Linda A. Mayhew, Christopher E. Thomas for Plaintiffs and Respondents.
for defendant: Kaye Scholer, Steven S. Rosenthal, Marc S. Cohen, Jay W. Waks, and Bryant Delgadillo; Richard J. Chivaro, Ronald V. Placet and Shawn D. Silva for Defendants and Appellants.
Law Offices of Brooks Ellison and Patrick J. Whalen for California Attorneys, Administrative Law Judges, etc.; Paul E. Harris III, Brooke D. Pierman; Olson Hagel & Fishburn, Deborah B. Caplan, N. Eugene Hill and Richard C. Miadich for Service Employees International Union, Yvonne Walker, Pamela Handel, Tamekia Robinson and Kathleen Phillips; Carroll, Burdick & McDonough, Gary M. Messing, Gregg McLean Adam and Jonathan Yank, for California Correctional Peace Officers? Association and California Statewide Law Enforcement Association; Daniel M. Lindsay for California Correctional Peace Officers? Association; Kasey C. Clark for California Statewide Law Enforcement Association, Interveners and Appellants.
Case Number:
Cite as 10 C.D.O.S. 8598DAVID A. GILB, as Director, etc. et al., Plaintiffs and Respondents, v. JOHN CHI