• June 27, 2011 | National Law Journal

    High Court Shoots Down Video Game Ban

    Just how conservative or pro-business the Roberts Court is continues to generate debate. But on one subject, the trend line is undeniable: a strong majority favors classic First Amendment protectio

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  • January 15, 2010 | The Recorder

    Hastings Case Gets Star Power

    Hastings case gets star powerTop talent infor high courtchallengeJUMP:HASTINGSCAPTION:BIG GUNS: Michael McConnell, a former Tenth Circuit judge now

    1 minute read

  • July 12, 2004 | Legal Times

    Courtside: The Chosen Few

    When Carter Phillips rose to argue in the case of Intel Corp. v. Advanced Micro Devices Inc., on April 20, it was his fifth Supreme Court oral argument of the term, but something

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  • January 2, 2012 | The American Lawyer

    The Big Picture

    We've seen some sweeping pro-business U.S. Supreme Court rulings of late, but there's a good argument that no decision will have more impact on the business community than Mayer Brown

    1 minute read

  • August 17, 2009 | National Law Journal

    Souter Returns to the Granite State

    Six weeks after retiring from the U.S. Supreme Court, Justice David Souter's new life is taking shape -- a New Hampshire life that will keep him away from Washington as much as humanly possible./p

    1 minute read

  • November 3, 2010 | New York Law Journal

    Justices Tackle Regulation of Video Game Violence

    WASHINGTON - Torturing, maiming, decapitating and urinating on human beings are rare topics in U.S. Supreme Court arguments. But the justices yesterday heard all of them as they entered the world o

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  • March 7, 2005 | National Law Journal

    Justices to weigh orders of protection

    Washington-A rare and tragic family law challenge in the U.S. Supreme Court will draw the justices this month into the serious nationwide problem of domestic violence and the continuing

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  • January 10, 2008 | Legal Times

    High Court Hears Voter ID Case

    WASHINGTON � Indiana's strict law requiring voters to show current photo identification at the polls appears likely to survive a constitutional challenge before the Supreme Court.Based

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  • May 17, 2004 | New Jersey Law Journal

    The American Lawyer Celebrates Its 25th Anniversary

    About 700 attorneys turned out to celebrate The American Lawyer magazine's 25th anniversary Wednesday at a gala dinner held at Cipriani, a New York restaurant. Hosted by Editor

    1 minute read

  • March 31, 2003 | Legal Times

    Will Court Prefer to Overturn 'Bowers'?

    The Supreme Court appeared poised March 26 to strike down Texas' anti-sodomy statute, setting the stage for a landmark ruling on the status of gays in American society.Also last

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