Publication Date: 2011-08-19
Practice Area:
Court: Court of Appeals
Judge: Barnes, Anne Elizabeth
Attorneys: For plaintiff: Hugh B. McNatt McNatt Greene & Peterson, Vidalia, and Natalie M. Beasmen, Atlanta, for appellant.
for defendant: . Michael D. McRae and Jason B. Sanker McRae, Stegal, Peek, Harman, Smith & Manning, Cedartown, for appellees. Other party representation: Steven T. Minor Tisinger, Tisinger, Vance & Greer, Carrollton, Charles T. Autry, Roland F. Hall Autry Horton & Cole LLP, Tucker, Peter M. Degnan and Jonathan E. Wells Alston & Bird LLP, Atlanta.
Case Number: A09A2015
Because the noise emanating from the exhaust stacks resulted from the essential method of the power plant's operation, the neighbors were limited to filing one cause of action for the recovery of p