Publication Date: 2002-10-25
Practice Area:
Court: Court of Appeals
Judge: Johnson, Edward H.
Attorneys: For plaintiff: Thurbert E. Baker Jr., Attorney General, Robert S. Bomar, Deputy Attorney General, Isaac Byrd, Diane L. DeShazo, Assistant Attorneys General, David C. Will and Kurt R. Ward Owen, Gleaton, Egan, Jones & Sweeney,Atlanta, for appellant.
for defendant: Barbara H. Gallo, Daniel H. Sherman IV, Bruce P. Brown McKenna, Long & Aldridge LLP, Atlanta, and Robert M. Wynne, Sandersville, for appellee. Other party representation: Daniel S. Reinhardt Troutman Sanders LLP, Peter M. Degnan, Douglas E. Cloud, Daniel N. Esrey Alston & Bird, and Robert S. Ukeiley, Atlanta.
Case Number: A02A1566
The EPD's appeal was moot since the underlying administrative appeal was withdrawn and the case was dism