Publication Date: 2017-03-16
Practice Area:
Court: Family Court, New York County
Judge: Judge J. Machelle Sweeting
Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorney for Mother: Natalie Markfeld, Esq., Daniella Levi & Associates, Fresh Meadows, NY.
for defendant: Attorney for Father: Steven Czik, Esq., Czik Law PLLC, New York NY. Attorney for Father: Robert Hantman, Esq., New York, NY. Attorney for the Children: Peggy Tarvin, Esq., Lawyers for Children, New York, NY.
Case Number: 265238
Cite as: Matter of T. S. (mother) v. A. H. (father), 265238, NYLJ 1202781298499, at *1 (Fam., NY, Decided February 27, 2017) CASENAME In the Matter of a Proceedi