• August 3, 1999 | The Recorder

    Court Upholds Hate Speech Gag

    The California Supreme Court upheld an injunction Monday that prohibits a car rental employee from using racial epithets in the workplace."Once a court has found that a specific pattern of s

    1 minute read

  • August 27, 2004 | The Recorder

    Overtime Class Action Still Ticking

    Employers got bad news Thursday when the state Supreme Court ruled unanimously that class certification was appropriate for hundreds of wage-and-hour suits.The much-awaited decision sa

    1 minute read

  • March 25, 2005 | New York Law Journal

    Entertainment Law

    A corporation which furnished writing, producing and directing services of Peter Jackson in connection with "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" (the film) has filed suit in fed

    1 minute read

  • September 23, 2004 | The Recorder

    News Briefs

    CREDITORS FAIL IN BID TO WIN REIMBURSEMENTNEW YORK -- An 11-member committee of unsecured creditors in the WorldCom bankruptcy has lost its bid for reimbursement of legal fees a

    1 minute read

  • The State of Texas, et al., Plaintiffs v. Penquin Group (USA) Inc., et al., Defendants, 12 Civ. 3394

    Publication Date: 2013-05-17
    Practice Area:
    Court: U. S. District Court, Southern District
    Judge: District Judge Denise Cote
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: For State plaintiffs: Gabriel Gervey, pro hac vice, David Ashton, pro hac vice, Eric Lipman, Office of the Attorney General of Texas Austin, Texas.
    for defendant: For Penguin Group (USA) Inc.: Daniel Ferrel McInnis, Larry Tanenbaum, Carolyn Perez, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, LLP, Washington, D.C.

    Case Number: 12 Civ. 3394

    Cite as: The State of Texas v. Penquin Group (USA) Inc., 12 Civ. 3394, NYLJ 1202600226717, at *1 (SDNY, Decided April 24, 2013)District Judge Denise

  • Josiane Hird, Plaintiff v. Imergent, Inc., Defendants, 10 Civ. 166 (DLC)

    Publication Date: 2011-01-20
    Practice Area:
    Court: U.S. District Court, Southern District
    Judge: District Judge Denise Cote
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: For Pro Se Plaintiff: Josiane Hird, New York, NY
    for defendant: For Defendants: Ryan J. Donohue, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP, New York, NY

    Case Number: 10 Civ. 166 (DLC)

    Cite as: Hird v. Imergent, Inc., 10 Civ. 166 (DLC), NYLJ 1202478301871, at *1 (SDNY, Decided January 6, 2011)District Judge Denise CoteD

  • March 22, 2005 | New York Law Journal

    Embracing the Arm's-Length Licensor: Closer Than You Think

    Technology disclosure and licensing arrangements are common arm's-length business deals, usually thought to involve no fiduciary relationship, i.e., one having special trust and confidence and

    1 minute read

  • February 26, 2007 | Daily Report Online

    Parents fight to represent children

    FOR SANDEE AND JEFF Winkelman, the money to pay lawyers ran out in 2004. But they still had their son Jacob to fight for, so they kept going on their own. Jacob is their son, 9, and h

    1 minute read

  • Snelson v. State

    Publication Date: 2010-11-11
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2010-11-10
    Court: Tex. App. Dist. 7
    Judge: Per curiam.
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 07-10-0259-CV

    Before CAMPBELL and HANCOCK and PIRTLE, JJ.OPINIONOn March 9, 2005, Appellant was convicted of possession of a controlled substance with intent to deliver in a drug-free zone, enhanced, and s

  • November 28, 2006 | Legal Times

    High Court Case Could Imperil Pending Patents

    When Kenneth Bass III clerked at the Supreme Court in 1969, his justice, the late Hugo Black, told him confidentially what he thought of patents. "He told me that in his lifetime, he had see

    1 minute read