• In Re: Electronic Books Antitrust Litigation, 11 MD 2293

    Publication Date: 2012-05-18
    Practice Area:
    Court: U.S. District Court, Southern District
    Judge: District Judge Denise Cote
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: For Plaintiffs: Jason Allen Zweig, Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro LLP (NYC), New York, NY. Steve W. Berman, George W. Sampson, Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro LLP (Seattle), Seattle, WA. Jeff D. Friedman, Shana Scarlett, Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro LLP (CA), Berkely, CA. Kit A. Pierson, Emmy L. Levens, Jeffrey B. Dubner, Cohen Milstein Sellers & Toll PLLC (DC), Washington, DC. John Douglas Richards, Cohen Milstein Sellers & Toll PLLC, New York, NY.
    for defendant: For Defendant Apple, Inc.: Daniel S. Floyd, Daniel G. Swanson, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP, Los Angeles, CA. For Defendant HarperCollins Publishers LLC: Shepard Goldfein, Clifford H. Aronson, Paul M. Eckles, C. Scott Lent, Matthew M. Martino, Skadden, Armps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP, New York, NY. For Defendants Hachette Book Group, Inc. and Hachette Digital, Inc.: Walter B. Stuart, Samuel J. Rubin, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer US LLP, New York, NY. For Defendant Holtzbrinck Publishers, LLC d/b/a Macmillan: Joel M. Mitnick, Alexandra Shear, Sidley Austin LLP, New York, NY. For Defendant Penguin Group (USA), Inc.: Daniel Ferrel McInnis, David A. Donohoe, Allison Sheedy, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP, Washington, D.C. For Defendants Simon & Schuster, Inc. and Simon & Schuster Digital Sales, Inc.: James W. Quinn, Yehudah L. Buchweitz, Weil, Gotshal, & Manges LLP, New York, NY. Helene D. Jaffee, Proskauer Rose LLP, Eleven Times Square, New York, NY. Martha E. Gifford, Law Office of Martha E. Gifford, Brooklyn, NY. *1

    Case Number: 11 MD 2293

    Cite as: In Re: Electronic Books Antitrust Litigation, 11 MD 2293, NYLJ 1202554340567, at *1 (SDNY, Decided May 15, 2012)District Judge Denise Cotep

  • United States of America, Plaintiff v. WB/Stellar IP Owner LLC, Independence Plaza Associates, LLC, Independence Plaza, L.P., and Laurence Gluck, Defendant, 06 Civ. 7115 (SAS)

    Publication Date: 2011-05-19
    Practice Area:
    Court: U.S. District Court, Southern District
    Judge: District Judge Shira A. Scheindlin
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: For the Government: Jeffrey Stuart Oestericher, Assistant U.S. Attorney, U.S. Attorney's Office, New York, NY.
    for defendant: For IPN: James M. Ringer, Esq. Meister, Seelig & Fein LLP, New York, NY. Stephen Bruce Meister, Esq., Jeanette Renee Blair, Esq., Stacey Michell Ashby, Esq., Meister, Seelig & Fein LLP, New York, NY. For Glenn Gardens: Peter Curtis Neger, Esq., Gillian Ivy Epstein, Esq., Bingham McCutchen LLP, New York, NY.

    Case Number: 06 Civ. 7115 (SAS)

    Cite as: USA v. WB/Stellar IP Owner LLC, 06 Civ. 7115 (SAS), NYLJ 1202494436846, at *1 (SDNY, Decided May 10, 2011)District Judge Shira A. Scheindlin

  • August 27, 2001 | National Law Journal

    After the Jurors Go Home

    SETTLEMENT COMES TOO LATE FOR PLAINTIFFSCASE TYPE: asbestos personal injuryCASE: In re asbestos litigation Arthur Trial Group, No. 95-C-12-037 (Sup.

    1 minute read

  • High Falls Brewing Company, LLC, High Falls Operating Co., LLC, North American Breweries, Inc., and KPS Capital Partners LP, Plaintiff v. Boston Beer Corporation, Defendants, 10-CV-6100

    Publication Date: 2012-07-10
    Practice Area:
    Court: U.S. District Court, Western District
    Judge: District Judge Charles J. Siragusa
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: For High Falls Brewing Company, LLC: Edward F. Premo, II, Jerauld E. Brydges, Esq., Kimberly I. Shimomura, Esq., Harter, Secrest and Emery, LLP, Rochester, NY. For High Falls Operating Co, LLC, North American Breweries, Inc. and KPS Capital Partners LP: Randall David White, Esq., Terrence M. Connors, Esq., Connors & Vilardo, LLP, Buffalo, NY. Gregory M. Boyle, Esq., Erinn L. Wehrman, Esq., Jenner & Block, LLP, Chicago, IL.
    for defendant: For Defendant: George J. Skelly, Esq., Carolyn G. Nussbaum, Esq., J. Christopher Allen, Esq., Nixon Peabody LLP, Rochester, NY. Richard A. McGuirk, Esq., LeclairRyan, Rochester, NY.

    Case Number: 10-CV-6100

    Cite as: High Falls Brewing Co., LLC v. Boston Beer Corp., 10-CV-6100, NYLJ 1202562076763, at *1 (WDNY, Decided June 26, 2012)District Judge Charles J. Si

  • NextWave Personal Communications Inc. v. Federal Communications Commission

    Publication Date: 2001-06-25
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2001-06-22
    Court: DC Cir.
    Judge: Tatel, Circuit Judge
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 00-1402,, 00-140

    Argued March 15, 2001On Petition for Review and Notice of Appeal of Orders of the Federal Communications CommissionOpinion for the Court filed by Circuit Judge Tatel.This case concerns the ex

  • Scoran v. Overseas Shipholding Corp., 07 Civ. 10307

    Publication Date: 2010-04-08
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2010-03-31
    Court: U.S. District Court for the Southern District
    Judge: Debra Freeman
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 07 Civ. 10307

    Magistrate Judge Debra Freeman U.S. DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK Magistrate Judge Freeman MEMOR

  • In Re Bear Stearns Co., Inc., 08 MDL 1963

    Publication Date: 2011-01-26
    Practice Area:
    Court: U.S. District Court, Southern District
    Judge: District Judge Robert W. Sweet
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Interim Co-Lead Counsel for the Securities Plaintiffs: By: David S. Preminger, Esq., Keller Rohrback LLP, New York, NY By: Lynn L. Sarko, Esq., Derek W. Loeser, Esq., Erin M. Riley, Esq., Gretchen S. Obrist, Esq., Seattle, WA By: Joseph H. Meltzer, Esq., Edward W. Ciolko, Esq., Peter H. LeVan Jr., Esq., Shannon O. Lack, Esq., Barroway Topaz Kessler Meltzer Check LLP, Radnor, PA Attorneys for Lead Securities Plaintiff State of Michigan Retirement Systems: By: Jeffrey C. Block, Esq., Patrick T. Egan, Esq., Justin Saif, Esq., Berman Devalerio, Boston, MA By: Joseph J. Tabacco, Jr., Esq., Julie J. Bai, Esq., San Francisco, CA By: Thomas A. Dubbs, Esq., James W. Johnson, Esq., Michael W. Stocker, Esq., Labaton Sucharow LLP, New York, NY Co-Lead Counsel for the Derivative Plaintiff: By: David A.P. Brower, Esq., Brower Piven, P.C., New York, NY By: Marc M. Umeda, Esq., George C. Aguilar, Esq., Shane P. Sanders, Esq., Gregory E. Del Gaizo, Esq., Robbins Umeda LLP, San Diego, CA Interim Co-Lead Counsel for the ERISA Plaintiffs: By: Joseph H. Meltzer, Esq., Edward W. Ciolko, Esq., Julie Siebert-Johnson, Esq., Peter H. LeVan Jr., Esq., Shannon O. Lack, Esq., Mark K. Gyandoh, Esq., James A. Maro, Jr., Esq., Barroway Topaz Kessler Meltzer Check LLP, Radnor, PA By: David S. Preminger, Esq., Keller Rohrback LLP, New York, NY By: Lynn L. Sarko, Esq., Derek W. Loeser, Esq., Erin M. Riley, Esq., Gretchen S. Obrist, Esq., Seattle, WA Interim Liaison Counsel for ERISA Plaintiffs: By: Milo Silberstein, Esq., Dealy & Silberstein, LLP, New York, NY
    for defendant: Interim Liaison Counsel for the Securities Plaintiffs: By: Milo Silberstein, Esq., Dealy & Silberstein, LLP, New York, NY Attorneys for Defendants The Bear Stearns Companies Inc., JPMorgan Chase & Co., Michael Minikes, Kathleen Cavallo, Stephen Lacoff, and Robert Steinberg: By: Eric. S. Goldstein, Esq., Brad S. Karp, Esq., Lewis R. Clayton, Esq., Douglas M. Pravda, Esq., Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP, New York, NY By: Paul J. Ondrasik, Jr., Esq., F. Michael Kail, Esq., Steptoe & Johnson LLP, Washington, DC Attorneys for Defendant James E. Cayne: By: David S. Frankel, Esq., Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP, New York, NY Attorneys for Defendant Alan D. Schwartz: By: Jay B. Kasner, Esq., Susan Saltzstein, Esq., Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP, New York, NY Attorneys for Defendant Samuel L. Molinaro, Jr.: By: Michael Chepiga, Esq., William T. Russell, Jr., Esq., Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP, New York, NY Attorneys for Defendant Alan C. Greenberg: By: Ronald Richman, Esq., Jill L. Goldberg, Esq., Schulte Roth & Zabel LLP, New York, NY Attorneys for Defendant Warren J. Spector: By: David B. Anders, Esq., Meredith L. Turner, Esq., Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz, New York, NY Attorneys for Defendant Jeffrey Mayer: By: Richard A. Edlin, Esq., Ronald D. Lefton, Esq., Greenberg Traurig, LLP, New York, NY Attorneys for Defendants Henry S. Bienen, Carl D. Glickman, Michael Goldstein, Donald J. Harrington, Frank T. Nickell, Paul A. Novelly, Frederic V. Salerno, Vincent Tese and Wesley S. Williams, Jr.: By: Randy M. Mastro, Esq., Robert F. Serio, Esq., Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP, New York, NY Attorneys for Defendant Michael Alix: By: Scott D. Corrigan, Esq., Jeffrey P. Wade, Esq., Wiggin & Dana LLP, New York, NY Attorneys for Defendant Jeffrey M. Farber: By: Michael R. Young, Esq., Antonio Yanez, Jr., Esq., Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP, New York, NY Attorneys for Defendant Deloitte & Touche LLP: By: Max R. Shulman, Esq., Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP, New York, NY

    Case Number: 08 MDL 1963

    Cite as: In Re Bear Stearns Co., Inc., 08 MDL 1963, NYLJ 1202479404634, at *1 (SDNY, Decided January 9, 2011)District Judge Robert W. Sweetp class="decided

  • In Re Bear Stearns Co., Inc., 08 MDL 1963

    Publication Date: 2011-01-26
    Practice Area:
    Court: U.S. District Court, Southern District
    Judge: District Judge Robert W. Sweet
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Interim Co-Lead Counsel for the Securities Plaintiffs: By: David S. Preminger, Esq., Keller Rohrback LLP, New York, NY By: Lynn L. Sarko, Esq., Derek W. Loeser, Esq., Erin M. Riley, Esq., Gretchen S. Obrist, Esq., Seattle, WA By: Joseph H. Meltzer, Esq., Edward W. Ciolko, Esq., Peter H. LeVan Jr., Esq., Shannon O. Lack, Esq., Barroway Topaz Kessler Meltzer Check LLP, Radnor, PA Attorneys for Lead Securities Plaintiff State of Michigan Retirement Systems: By: Jeffrey C. Block, Esq., Patrick T. Egan, Esq., Justin Saif, Esq., Berman Devalerio, Boston, MA By: Joseph J. Tabacco, Jr., Esq., Julie J. Bai, Esq., San Francisco, CA By: Thomas A. Dubbs, Esq., James W. Johnson, Esq., Michael W. Stocker, Esq., Labaton Sucharow LLP, New York, NY Co-Lead Counsel for the Derivative Plaintiff: By: David A.P. Brower, Esq., Brower Piven, P.C., New York, NY By: Marc M. Umeda, Esq., George C. Aguilar, Esq., Shane P. Sanders, Esq., Gregory E. Del Gaizo, Esq., Robbins Umeda LLP, San Diego, CA Interim Co-Lead Counsel for the ERISA Plaintiffs: By: Joseph H. Meltzer, Esq., Edward W. Ciolko, Esq., Julie Siebert-Johnson, Esq., Peter H. LeVan Jr., Esq., Shannon O. Lack, Esq., Mark K. Gyandoh, Esq., James A. Maro, Jr., Esq., Barroway Topaz Kessler Meltzer Check LLP, Radnor, PA By: David S. Preminger, Esq., Keller Rohrback LLP, New York, NY By: Lynn L. Sarko, Esq., Derek W. Loeser, Esq., Erin M. Riley, Esq., Gretchen S. Obrist, Esq., Seattle, WA Interim Liaison Counsel for ERISA Plaintiffs: By: Milo Silberstein, Esq., Dealy & Silberstein, LLP, New York, NY
    for defendant: Interim Liaison Counsel for the Securities Plaintiffs: By: Milo Silberstein, Esq., Dealy & Silberstein, LLP, New York, NY Attorneys for Defendants The Bear Stearns Companies Inc., JPMorgan Chase & Co., Michael Minikes, Kathleen Cavallo, Stephen Lacoff, and Robert Steinberg: By: Eric. S. Goldstein, Esq., Brad S. Karp, Esq., Lewis R. Clayton, Esq., Douglas M. Pravda, Esq., Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP, New York, NY By: Paul J. Ondrasik, Jr., Esq., F. Michael Kail, Esq., Steptoe & Johnson LLP, Washington, DC Attorneys for Defendant James E. Cayne: By: David S. Frankel, Esq., Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP, New York, NY Attorneys for Defendant Alan D. Schwartz: By: Jay B. Kasner, Esq., Susan Saltzstein, Esq., Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP, New York, NY Attorneys for Defendant Samuel L. Molinaro, Jr.: By: Michael Chepiga, Esq., William T. Russell, Jr., Esq., Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP, New York, NY Attorneys for Defendant Alan C. Greenberg: By: Ronald Richman, Esq., Jill L. Goldberg, Esq., Schulte Roth & Zabel LLP, New York, NY Attorneys for Defendant Warren J. Spector: By: David B. Anders, Esq., Meredith L. Turner, Esq., Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz, New York, NY Attorneys for Defendant Jeffrey Mayer: By: Richard A. Edlin, Esq., Ronald D. Lefton, Esq., Greenberg Traurig, LLP, New York, NY Attorneys for Defendants Henry S. Bienen, Carl D. Glickman, Michael Goldstein, Donald J. Harrington, Frank T. Nickell, Paul A. Novelly, Frederic V. Salerno, Vincent Tese and Wesley S. Williams, Jr.: By: Randy M. Mastro, Esq., Robert F. Serio, Esq., Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP, New York, NY Attorneys for Defendant Michael Alix: By: Scott D. Corrigan, Esq., Jeffrey P. Wade, Esq., Wiggin & Dana LLP, New York, NY Attorneys for Defendant Jeffrey M. Farber: By: Michael R. Young, Esq., Antonio Yanez, Jr., Esq., Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP, New York, NY Attorneys for Defendant Deloitte & Touche LLP: By: Max R. Shulman, Esq., Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP, New York, NY

    Case Number: 08 MDL 1963

    Cite as: In Re Bear Stearns Co., Inc., 08 MDL 1963, NYLJ 1202479404634, at *1 (SDNY, Decided January 9, 2011)District Judge Robert W. Sweetp class="decided

  • Hart v. Massanari

    Publication Date: 2001-09-26
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2001-09-24
    Court: 9th Cir.
    Judge: Alex Kozinski and Richard C. Tallman, Circuit Judges, and Frank Zapata, District Judge.
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 99-56472

    The full case caption appears at the end of this opinion. KOZINSKI, Circuit Judge. Appellant' s opening brief cites Rice v. Chater, No. 95-35604, 1996 WL 583605 (9th Cir.

  • Glidepath Holding BV v. Spherion Corp., 04 Civ. 9758

    Publication Date: 2007-08-20
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2007-07-25
    Court: U.S. District Court for the Southern District
    Judge: Kenneth Karas
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 04 Civ. 9758

    District Judge Kenneth M. Karas U.S. DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK Appearances: John Lang, Esq. Martin R. Pollner, Esq. Bria