Publication Date: 2018-03-05
Practice Area: Personal Injury
Court: New Jersey Supreme Court
Judge: Justice Fernandez-Vina
Attorneys: For plaintiff: Stephen M. Orlofsky (Blank Rome and Archer & Greiner, attorneys; Stephen M. Orlofsky, Adrienne C. Rogove, Frank D. Allen, and William J. O'Kane, Jr., on the briefs); Denis F. Driscoll (Inglesino Webster Wyciskala & Taylor, attorney; Denis F. Driscoll, Nicholas A. Grieco, Alyssa E. Spector, and Owen T. Weaver, of counsel and on the briefs)
for defendant: Steward M. Leviss (Berkowitz, Lichtstein, Kuritskym, Giasullo & Gross, attorneys; Stewart M. Leviss, on the briefs); S. Robert Princiotto (Marcus & Levy, attorneys; S. Robert Princiotto, on the briefs); Richard J. Abrahamsen (Abrahamsen Law Firm, attorneys; Richard J. Abrahamsen, on the briefs); Dennis J. Cummins, Jr. (Dennis J. Cummins, on the letter-brief)
Case Number: A-7/8-16 (078043)
Defendants Entitled to Absolute Immunity Where Alleged Causative Conduct Was Failure to Enforce Buillding Codes