• County of Cameron v. Brown

    Publication Date: 2002-05-28
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2002-05-23
    Court: Tx. Sup. Ct.
    Judge: Harriet O'Neill Justice
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 00-1020

    Argued on October 3, 2001Justice O'Neill delivered the opinion of the Court, in which Chief Justice Phillips, Justice Enoch, Justice Baker, Justice Hankinson, and Justice Rodriguez joined.Justic

  • October 22, 2012 | National Law Journal

    10 Hot Issues in Trademark Law

    Reporter Sheri Qualters asked several trademark practitioners to come up with a list of the most significant issues facing trademark owners right now and how they would advise lawyers to hand

    1 minute read

  • November 6, 2006 | Texas Lawyer

    New Deals

    CROWN CASTLE INTERNATIONAL INC. TO ACQUIRE GLOBAL SIGNAL INC. E. Blake Hawk, executive vice president and general counsel of Houston's Crown Castle International Inc., called on Cravat

    1 minute read

  • January 15, 2008 | The Legal Intelligencer

    Saul Ewing Grabs Five for Princeton Office

    One month after Saul Ewing lost five partners from its Princeton office to Blank Rome, the firm added five attorneys to the office from Reed Smith.Environmental attorneys Steven J. Pic

    1 minute read

  • September 12, 2006 | New York Law Journal

    With Scant Guidance, Federal Judges Test the Limits in Terror Cases

    Five years after terrorist hijackers leveled the World Trade Center, the courts of the 2nd Circuit have been the scene of a series of collisions between national security priorities and civil liber

    1 minute read

  • September 11, 2006 | New York Law Journal

    With Scant Guidance, Federal Judges Test the Limits In Terror Cases

    Five years after terrorists hijackers leveled the World Trade Center, the courts of the Second Circuit have been the scene of a series of collisions between national security priorities and ci

    1 minute read

  • Rocano v. Rocano

    Publication Date: 2006-04-24
    Practice Area:
    Court: Supreme Court, Kings County
    Judge: Jeffrey Sunshine
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number:

    KINGS COUNTY Supreme Court Justice Sunshine Procedural Background The insta

  • Gray v. Poole

    Publication Date: 2001-03-29
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2001-03-27
    Court: DC Cir.
    Judge: Garland, Circuit Judge
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 00-7130

    On Motions for Summary AffirmanceOpinion for the Court filed by Circuit Judge Garland.This case poses the question whether attorneys of the District of Columbia's Office of Corporation Counsel a

  • November 27, 2002 | Texas Lawyer

    Law School's Hiring Process Sends Sparks Flying

    Students at Texas Tech University School of Law learn about legal disputes in class, but one that's raging outside the lecture halls at the Lubbock campus is providing them a first-hand look a

    1 minute read

  • February 18, 2003 | Legal Times

    Estrada Blockade a Bad Sign for Pickering, Owen

    Senate Democrats' surprisingly successful filibuster of judicial nominee Miguel Estrada tied the chamber in knots last week � and cast a long shadow on other Bush nominees for the federa

    1 minute read