• Ledezma-Galicia v. Holder

    Publication Date: 2010-03-29
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2010-03-29
    Court: 9th Cir.
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Stephen W. Manning and Jessica M. Boell, Immigrant Law Group LLP, Portland, Oregon, for the petitioner-petitioner-appellant.
    for defendant: Peter D. Keisler, Assistant Attorney General, Civil Division, and David V. Bernal, Assistant Director, Ernesto H. Molina, Jr., Senior Litigation Counsel, and Leslie McKay, Office of Immigration Litigation, Civil Division, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, D.C., for the respondent-respondent-appellee.

    Case Number: No. 03-73648 No. 04-35048

    Cite as 10 C.D.O.S. 3852RAMON LEDEZMA-GALICIA, Petitioner, v.ERIC H. HOLDER, Jr.,* Attorney General, Resp

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