• June 17, 2004 | New York Law Journal

    Clifford Chance Faces New Threat of Departures

    With its U.S. expansion plans already hampered by a tide of East Coast partner defections, British legal giant Clifford Chance is facing the potential opening of a devastating Western Front.

    1 minute read

  • March 30, 2011 | The Recorder

    John Muller

    Dozens of Internet startups launched in the last days of the 20th century Internet boom, vowing to revolutionize the way we pay for things. PayPal alone has emerged as the dominant brand in online

    1 minute read

  • February 1, 2012 | The American Lawyer

    Big Deals

    Gilead / Pharmasset Gilead Sciences, Inc., agreed to pay $11 billion in cash for Pharmasset, Inc., on November 21, 2011 to acquire the target's treatmen

    1 minute read

  • October 5, 2004 | National Law Journal

    Exonerating Inmates Becomes a Cottage Industry

    The number of "innocence projects" has mushroomed to 35 nationally � nearly half formed in the past four years � triggering a movement that has steadily altered criminal procedures in dozens o

    1 minute read

  • October 19, 2012 | New Jersey Law Journal

    Suits & Deals

    img src="/image/nj/128_pics/ginsberg_gary.jpg" alt="" style="float: left; ma

    1 minute read

  • May 19, 2005 | The Legal Intelligencer

    Judicial Elections Remain a 'Crap Shoot'

    It seems there was no magic bullet for getting a Democratic nomination for the common pleas bench in Tuesday's primary election. Only half of the eight winners were among the Democrati

    1 minute read

  • June 29, 2011 | Corporate Counsel

    The 2011 Diversity Scorecard: Back on Track?

    It's not much, but it's enough to make diversity advocates in the legal profession let out a collective "phew!" According to a href="http://www.law.com/jsp/cc/PubArticleCC.jsp?id=1202498

    1 minute read

  • August 17, 2000 | The Recorder

    Foreign Policy

    It will take more than technological prowess, market intelligence, and the flawless execution of Callisma Inc.'s business plan to make the Palo Alto-based startup successful. It will also take

    1 minute read

  • February 22, 2005 | The Recorder

    Ernst & Young Prevails in Rare Class Fraud Trial

    Sometimes it pays to go to trial, even when popular opinion seems to be against you.That was the lesson Latham & Watkins partner Peter Wald learned last week when his trial team sc

    1 minute read

  • August 16, 2011 | The Recorder

    TiVo's GC Fights to Keep Pace With Technological Change

    Miranda of "Sex and the City" fame memorably fell in love with her TiVo. Founded as Teleworld in 1997, Alviso, Calif.-based has been liberating TV viewers from their traditional viewing s

    1 minute read