• November 10, 2004 | National Law Journal

    Spelling It Out in Plain English

    Lawyers may love legalese, but jurors don't.That fundamental observation is behind the soon-to-be finalized "plain-English" criminal jury instructions -- part of California's ongoing b

    1 minute read

  • February 24, 2006 | New York Law Journal


    Former Marsh General Counsel Joins O'Melveny & Meyers William L. Rosoff, the former general counsel of Marsh & McLennan Companies Inc., has joined O'Melveny &

    1 minute read

  • August 22, 2003 | The Recorder

    Fights Loom Over Changes in Sentencing

    It doesn't quite rival Napoleon versus the Duke of Wellington, but it could come close.Defense attorneys in the Northern District are gearing up for a fight over the so-called Feeney A

    1 minute read

  • December 27, 2005 | The Recorder

    Driven to Diversity

    SAN JOSE � Following on the heels of a successful pro bono campaign, incoming Santa Clara County Bar Association President Christopher Arriola hopes to begin the year riding the wave with anot

    1 minute read

  • April 10, 2003 | National Law Journal

    The Attorney, Unemployed

    Heard the one about the lawyer who couldn't find a job? No? Well, keep listening -- they're all over the place.Ask Lee Feldshon, a 33-year-old entertainment lawyer who lives in New Yor

    1 minute read

  • April 16, 2012 | National Law Journal


    SUPREME COURT WOMEN: A 'FABULOUS' SORORITY It was an unprecedented evening: all four women who have served on the U.S. Supreme Court, brought together April 11 to disc

    1 minute read

  • July 20, 2000 | The Recorder

    The Urge to Merge

    Last November, John Pritchard attended a meeting focusing on law firm mergers. The chairman of New York's Winthrop, Stimson, Putnam & Roberts listened intently as the meeting's facilitator

    1 minute read

  • January 9, 2003 |

    Practicing in ... San Francisco

    Yes, the dot-com era is over. Yes, local law firms have laid off scores of lawyers. No, there are no tumbleweeds tumbling down San Francisco's famously hilly streets. While firms heavily depen

    1 minute read

  • May 3, 2013 | New Jersey Law Journal

    Suits & Deals

    img src="/image/nj/128_pics/forte_carol.jpg" alt="" style="float: left; margin

    1 minute read

  • April 21, 2000 | National Law Journal

    Tech Lawyers on a Coaster Ride

    It was only play money to begin with.High-tech lawyer Jim Verdonik recounts a scenario all too typical for the high-flying dot-com world before the tech-heavy Nasdaq market plummeted in mid-Apri

    1 minute read