• November 25, 2008 | Daily Report Online

    Giving golf thanks

    Despite the challenging economic times, I am thankful for many things in my life, especially my cheerful wife, my spirited children and my loving parents. My family is the rock of my l

    1 minute read

  • Klein v. Chevron U.S.A., Inc.

    Publication Date: 2012-01-25
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2012-01-25
    Court: C.A. 2nd
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Law Office of Timothy P. Dillon, Timothy P. Dillon; Carlson, Calladine & Peterson, Guy D. Calladine; Kellogg, Huber, Hansen, Todd, Evans & Figel and David C. Frederick, for Plaintiffs and Appellants.
    for defendant: Latham & Watkins, Darius Ogloza, Brendan A. McShane, Heather L. Potts, Connie D. Sardo and Richard P. Bass, for Defendants and Respondents. Arnold & Porter, Ronald C. Redcay and Sean Morris, for BP West Coast Products as Amicus Curiae on behalf of Defendants and Respondents. Greensfelder, Hemker & Gale and Mary Ann L. Wymore, for Equilon Enterprises as Amicus Curiae on behalf of Defendants and Respondents. Zelle Hofmann Voelbel & Mason, Daniel S. Mason and Joseph W. Bell, for ConocoPhillips Company as Amicus Curiae on behalf of Defendants and Respondents. Steptoe & Johnson, Ruth D. Kahn and Patrick J. Foley, for The National Association of Convenience Stores, and Society of Independent Gasoline Marketers of America, as Amici Curiae on behalf of Defendants and Respondents. Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman and Kevin M. Fong, for Western States Petroleum Association as Amicus Curiae on behalf of Defendants and Respondents.

    Case Number: No. B219113

    Cite as 12 C.D.O.S. 1015 ALLEN RAY KLEIN et al., Plaintiffs and Appellants, v. CHEVRON U.S.A., INC. et al.

  • Asociacion De Gente Unida por el Agua v. Central Vally Regional Water Quality Control Board

    Publication Date: 2012-11-07
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2012-11-06
    Court: C.A. 3rd
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Laurel Firestone, Rose Francis, for Plaintiff and Appellant Asociacion de Gente Unida por el Agua; James Wheaton, Danielle Fugere, Lynne Renee Saxton, and Jennifer A. Maier, for Plaintiff and Appellant Environmental Law Foundation.
    for defendant: Kamala D. Harris, Attorney General, Kathleen A. Kenealy, Senior Assistant Attorney General, Denise Ferkich Hoffman, Supervising Deputy Attorney General, Teri H. Ashby, Deputy Attorney General, for Defendant and Respondent. Bird, Marella, Boxer, Wolpert, Nessim, Drooks & Lincenberg, Thomas R. Freeman, and Eric E. Bronson, for Intervener and Respondent.

    Case Number: No. C066410

    Cite as 12 C.D.O.S. 12519ASOCIACION DE GENTE UNIDA POR EL AGUA et al., Plaintiffs and Appellants,v.CENTRAL

  • August 1, 2011 | The Associated Press

    Missouri lawyers challenge LegalZoom's service

    A federal class-action civil suit in Missouri against a California-based vendor of online legal documents raises the question of whether even the most routine legal matters should remain the

    1 minute read

  • July 14, 2004 | The Recorder

    In Spitzer's Image

    SACRAMENTO -- With two years to go until the primary to replace termed-out Attorney General Bill Lockyer, anything could happen. But early indications suggest the race will be a referendum of

    1 minute read

  • August 27, 2013 | Daily Report Online

    Justices To Test Recusal Rules

    When oral arguments resume at the Georgia Supreme Court next month, the first case on the docket will involve a tough subject for judges: recusal. In recent years, the bench and bar h

    1 minute read

  • August 23, 2004 | National Law Journal

    Biotech boom

    The increasing use of genetics in everything from investigating crimes to improving food is keeping biotech lawyers busy. There's only one problem: Scientific discoveries are inv

    1 minute read

  • February 14, 2007 | Daily Report Online

    In The Trenches: Real estate finance lawyer jumps to McGuire

    JONATHAN R. SHILS has joined McGuireWoods as a partner from Alston & Bird, where he was a partner in the real estate capital markets group. Shils said he made the move to expand h

    1 minute read

  • April 25, 2005 | The Recorder

    Brown may be Own Worst Foe in Attorney General Race

    SACRAMENTO -- With a legacy of opposing the death penalty and a bruising history of appointing state Supreme Court Justices Rose Bird, Cruz Reynoso and Joseph Grodin -- all of whom were voted

    1 minute read

  • January 16, 2007 | National Law Journal

    Batter Up!

    Name and title: David Cohen, executive vice president and general counsel Age: 41 Let's go Mets!: Since 1962, the New York Mets have represented Major League

    1 minute read