• May 12, 2008 | National Law Journal

    2007 trademark applications reveal appeal of 'green'

    Companies may be seeing red ink as the economy slumps downward in early 2008, but 2007 was all green as far as trademarks were concerned. It was the busiest year ever for trademark

    1 minute read

  • May 1, 2013 | Corporate Counsel

    Deals & Suits

    Berkshire / 3G CapitalHeinz Warren Buffett has always loved strong consumer brands, and on Valentine's Day he put his money where his heart is. Buffett's

    1 minute read

  • August 21, 2006 | Legal Times

    The 'Unqualified' Myth

    My apologies for not responding sooner to Stuart Taylor Jr.'s June 19 commentary attacking what he claims are lower hiring standards in favor of minority attorneys at top law firms

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  • November 6, 2001 | Connecticut Law Tribune

    Law Firms Return to Recruiting Basics

    When approached to write an article that provides tips for other firms to use in attracting and hiring associates, my first thought was, "Do I want to share our secrets with our competitors?"

    1 minute read

  • January 6, 2003 | Texas Lawyer

    eVidence on eBay

    Houston plaintiffs lawyer W. Mark Lanier has been on an eBay binge lately, buying industrial manuals, magazine advertisements, ashtrays, floor tiles, roof shingles, a sealed pack of Kent cigar

    1 minute read

  • March 28, 2013 | The American Lawyer

    Big Deals

    Berkshire/3G Capital/HeinzWarre ett has always loved strong consumer brands, and on Valentine's Day he put his money where his heart is

    1 minute read

  • December 12, 2005 | National Law Journal

    Congress tackles vaccine liability

    Washington-Fear of lawsuits, hostility toward trial lawyers, short-sightedness and pandering to special interests are behind a Republican-led effort to enact quickly unprecedented vaccin

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  • November 10, 1997 | Legal Times

    Walking While Black

    Sometimes being a scholar of criminal procedure and a black man seems redundant. I am walking in the most beautiful neighborhood in the District of Columbia. Though I

    1 minute read

  • October 4, 2001 | The Recorder

    Nature-Loving Attorney Works to Save the Redwoods

    Robert Merritt can claim a special connection to the redwood forest at the northwest tip of California.The McCutchen, Doyle, Brown & Enersen real estate attorney helped the Save-th

    1 minute read

  • March 30, 2004 | Legal Times

    Justices Testy Over Scrutiny From Media, Lawmakers

    Tony Mauro [email protected] WASHINGTON-For two days earlier this month, it appeared that several U.S. Supreme Court justices were at war with the world outside their marble

    1 minute read