• September 1, 2003 | Legal Times

    Inadmissible: Plaintiff's Psych Exam; Lawyer Exodus; and More

    IN RARE RULING, JUDGE SAYS PLAINTIFF MUST GET PSYCH EXAMA federal judge last week ordered a plaintiff in a civil case to undergo a mental health exam to determine if she i

    1 minute read

  • April 3, 2006 | National Law Journal


    New partners Arent Fox (Washington): Baruch Weiss joins the litigation and white-collar defense groups as partner in the firm's Washington and New York offices. A former

    1 minute read

  • July 13, 2011 | The Legal Intelligencer

    Strauss-Kahn Case Creates Perp Walk Debate

    Mayor Michael Bloomberg beat a hasty retreat from a statement he made after Dominique Strauss-Kahn's arrest, when he concluded, "If you don't want to do the perp walk, don't do the crime."

    1 minute read

  • July 1, 2011 | Corporate Counsel

    ITC Survey: The Slugfest Continues

    The array of high-tech goods on the International Trade Commission's docket in 2010 would make any gadget fan drool. Flat-screen TVs, GPS and video game systems, digital cameras, smart

    1 minute read

  • August 31, 2006 | National Law Journal

    Computer voir dire

    A new computer software program that helps weed out biased jurors is raising a dilemma for lawyers: Should they go with their gut instinct when picking jurors, or listen to a computer?br

    1 minute read

  • May 29, 2007 | National Law Journal

    EEOC Looks at Caregiver Bias

    The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission recently announced that it may develop enforcement guidelines to address the growing problem of "family responsibility discrimination." FRD is a l

    1 minute read

  • September 6, 2006 | National Law Journal

    Computer Voir Dire

    A new computer software program that helps weed out biased jurors is raising a dilemma for lawyers: Should they go with their gut instinct when picking jurors, or listen to a computer?Do

    1 minute read

  • June 19, 2012 | Corporate Counsel

    ITC Survey 2012: A Niche With Staying Power

    It's almost become a lawyer meme that the International Trade Commission, a once-obscure quasi-judicial body, is a hot forum for patent disputes because it handles cases quickly

    1 minute read

  • January 30, 2006 | New Jersey Law Journal

    New FDA Rule's Preamble Stirs Up Bar on Both Sides

    The Food and Drug Administration may only be blowing smoke by prefacing a new drug-labeling rule with a purported pre-emption of state court suits against drug makers, but it's gotten some law

    1 minute read

  • September 6, 2006 | National Law Journal

    Computer Voir Dire

    A new computer software program that helps weed out biased jurors is raising a dilemma for lawyers: Should they go with their gut instinct when picking jurors, or listen to a computer?Do

    1 minute read