• People v. Wells Fargo Ins. Services Inc., 405326/06

    Publication Date: 2008-01-31
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2008-01-14
    Court: Supreme Court, New York County
    Judge: Bernard Fried
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 405326/06

    Justice Bernard Fried NEW YORK COUNTY Supreme Court For Plaintiff: Andrew M. Cuomo Attorney General of the State of New York Melvin L. Goldberg, Esq.

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    Stuyvesant Town Decision Applies Retroactively, Judge Says

    A state judge has handed tenants a major victory by refusing to dismiss claims against the former owner of the massive Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper Village complex. Tenants in 2007 broug

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  • June 10, 2009 | The Recorder

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  • June 20, 2011 | National Law Journal

    Calif. law won't apply to all Toyota economic-loss cases

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  • January 24, 2011 | National Law Journal

    Expert testimony at the class-certification stage

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  • June 1, 2004 |

    It was an extraordinary evening. Admittedly, it went on a bit long. But for nearly 700 lawyers and friends, our twenty-fifth anniversary dinner last month was an occasion to be reminded again

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  • October 10, 2010 | Corporate Counsel

    A Dog In Every Fight

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