Publication Date: 2010-11-30
Practice Area:
Date Filed: 2010-11-30
Court: C.A. 6th
Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorney for Plaintiffs and Appellants:
for defendant: Attorneys for Defendants and Respondents:
OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL, Edmund G. Brown Jr., Attorney General, Susan M. Carson, Supervising Deputy Attorney General, Susan J. King and Stephanie Wald, Deputy Attorneys General for Defendants and Respondents Clifford B. Allenby, Terri Delgadillo, H. Dean Stiles and Kimberly Belshe
OFFICE OF THE COUNTY COUNSEL, Ann Miller Ravel, County Counsel and Neysa A. Fligor, Deputy County Counsel for Defendants and Respondents County of Santa Clara, Santa Clara Board of Supervisors Jamie Buckmaster, Mary Greenwood, Malorie M. Street, Jacqui Duong and Randy Hey
BRADLEY, CURLEY, ASIANO, BARRABEE & GALE, Eric Gale for Defendant and Respondent San Andreas Regional Center
LAW OFFICES OF SCOTT D. PINSKY, Scott D. Pinsky; OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY, Gary M. Baum for Defendants and Respondents City of Palo Alto, Lori Krantzer and City of Palo Alto Police Department
HALL HIEATT AND CONNELLY, Julie Gravel-Gavery; SHEUERMAN, MARTINI AND TABARI, Deborah Lee Phillips for Defendant and Respondent Stanford Hospital and Clinics
MATHENY SEARS LINKER AND LONG, Melissa D. Bickel and Andrea Christensen for Defendants and Respondents Talla House
Case Number: No. H032619
Cite as 10 C.D.O.S. 14871JEFFREY GOLIN et al. Plaintiffs and Appellants, v. CLIFFORD B. ALLENBY et al., Defenda