Publication Date: 2017-02-09
Practice Area:
Court: Supreme Court, Nassau County, Trial/IAS Part 35
Judge: Justice Denise Sher
Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorney for Plaintiffs: Troy L. Kessler, Esq., Garrett Kaske, Esq., Shulman Kessler, LLP. Attorney for Plaintiffs: Anthony A. Capetola, Esq., Law Offices of Anthony A. Capetola.
for defendant: Attorney for Defendants: David L. Weissman, Esq., Mark S. Goldstein, Esq. Jake A. Ebers, Esq., Reed Smith, LLP.
Case Number: 600159/16
Cite as: Robinson v. Big City Yonkers, Inc., 600159/16, NYLJ 1202778704239, at *1 (Sup., NA, Decided January 17, 2017) CASENAME Frank Robinson, on behalf of himse