• Rothstein v. UBS AG, 11-0211-cv

    Publication Date: 2013-02-19
    Practice Area:
    Court: U.S. Court of Appeals, Second Circuit
    Judge: Before: Kearse, Lohier, and Droney, C.JJ.
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: For Plaintiffs-Appellants: Robert J. Tolchin, Jaroslawicz & Jaros, New York, New York, on the brief, Nathaniel A. Tarnor, Washington, D.C.
    for defendant: For Defendant-Appellee: Daniel L. Cantor, Jacqueline V. Roeder, O'Melveny & Myers, New York, New York; Jonathan D. Hacker, Anton Metlitsky, O'Melveny & Myers, Washington, D.C.; Andrew J. Pincus, Marc R. Cohen, Alex C. Lakatos, Paul W. Hughes, Mayer Brown, Washington, D.C., on the brief, Jonathan Rosenberg, New York, New York. Filed a brief for Amicus Curiae Government of Switzerland, In Support of Appellee, Frederick A. Brodie, of Counsel, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, New York, New York. Filed a brief for Amici Curiae Institute of International Bankers, Association of German Banks, economiesuisse, European Banking Federation, Federation of German Industries, French Banking Federation, Mouvement des Entreprises de France, and Swiss Bankers Association, in Support of Appellee, Linda C. Goldstein, of Counsel; Brian D. Ginsberg, Covington & Burling, New York, New York, of Counsel, Dechert, New York, New York.

    Case Number: 11-0211-cv

    Cite as: Rothstein v. UBS AG, 11-0211-cv, NYLJ 1202588420674, at *1 (2d Cir., Decided February 14, 2013)Before: Kearse, Lohier, and Droney, C.JJ.p cl

  • February 26, 2007 | National Law Journal

    Justices enter church-state fray

    WASHINGTON-The newly constituted Roberts Court gets its first opportunity to wade into the politically sensitive area of church-state separation in a case involving President Bush's cont

    1 minute read

  • Sterling National Bank v. Ernst Young, 121916/03

    Publication Date: 2008-12-17
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2008-12-01
    Court: Supreme Court, New York County
    Judge: Herman Cahn
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number:

    Justice Herman Cahn NEW YORK COUNTY Supreme Court Plaintiff was represented by Mark Landau, Esq. Kaplan, Thomashower & Landau LLP, New York, NY

  • December 17, 2010 | New Jersey Law Journal


    Holiday Rescue — A Wisconsin subsidiary of air cargo carrier DHL Express has turned to Paterson solo Paul Fernan

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  • June 20, 2011 | National Law Journal

    Wal-Mart Triumphs in Decadelong Class Action Battle

    WASHINGTON — The U.S. Supreme Court today handed a sweeping victory to Wal-Mart, the nation's largest employer, in the company's decadelong effort to thwart a discrimination class action

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  • October 10, 2006 | Legal Times

    Near-recusal for Justice Breyer

    IN HIS FINANCIAL disclosure form for the year 2005, Justice Stephen Breyer reported that he owned up to $50,000 of common stock in Duke Energy Corp., which supplies power to more than 2 milli

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  • June 2, 2008 | National Law Journal

    High Court Hasn't Closed the Book on Retaliation

    High court hasn't closed the book on retaliation Marcia Coyle / Staff reporter June 02, 2008 WASHINGTON — Despite two solid victories for workers in job bi

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  • Prize Energy Resources L.P., et al. v. Cliff Hoskins Inc., et al.

    Publication Date: 2011-02-23
    Practice Area:
    Date Filed: 2011-02-23
    Court: Tex. App. Dist. 4
    Judge: Phylis J. Speedlin, Justice
    Attorneys: For plaintiff:
    for defendant:

    Case Number: 04-09-00603-CV

    OPINIONOpinion by: Phylis J. Speedlin, JusticeSitting:Karen Angelini, Justice Phylis J. Speedlin, Justice Rebecca Simmons, JusticeAFFIRMED IN PART; MODIFIED AND AFFIRMED IN PART; REVERSED

  • March 1, 1989 | The American Lawyer

    Joseph Flom, 1923-2011 He Built the Preeminent Law Firm in America

    Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom partner and M&A pioneer Joseph H. Flom died early Wednesday, the firm announced. He was 87 years old. During a legal career that spanned six decades

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  • June 30, 2011 | New Jersey Law Journal

    General Assignment Order, 2011-2012

    SUPREME COURT OF NEW JERSEY div style="text-align: left; margin: 0in 0in 0pt" align="le

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