Publication Date: 2013-06-06
Practice Area:
Court: Supreme Court
Judge: Nahmias, David E.
Attorneys: For plaintiff: John F. Woodham Woodham Law LLC, Robert D. Feagin, Atlanta, and Irwin W. Stolz Jr. Hurt, Stolz & Cromwell LLC, Athens, for appellant.
for defendant: Cathy Hampton, City Attorney, Jeffrey S. Haymore, Lemuel H. Ward City of Atlanta Law Department, Charles S. Johnson III, Sarah L. Zampell, Joshua I. Bosin, Paul E. Vranicar Holland & Knight LLP, Matthew C. Welch, Atlanta, Lee B. Carter, and Norman S. Fletcher Brinson, Askew, Berry, Seigler, Richardson & Davis LLP, Rome, for appellees.
Case Number: S13A0333
The 2008 Amendment to the Georgia Constitution rendered constitutional the Atlanta Independent School System, City of Atlanta and Atlanta Development Authority's reliance on school taxes to help fun