• Rogers-Duell v. Chen, 6518-11

    Publication Date: 2013-11-13
    Practice Area:
    Court: Supreme Court, Albany County
    Judge: Justice Joseph C. Teresi
    Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorneys for Plaintiff: Anthony M. Maragno, Esq., Maragno Law, PLLC, New York, NY.
    for defendant: Attorneys for Defendants Ying-Jen Chen, M.D. and Community Care Physicians: Adam Cooper, Esq., Carter, Conboy, Case, Blackmore, Maloney & Laird, P.C., Albany, NY. Attorneys for Defendant Maria D. Fort, M.D.: Thomas Mortati, Esq., Burke, Scolamiero, Mortati & Hurd, LLP, Albany, NY. Attorneys for Bellevue Defendants: Mark O. Chieco, Esq., Petrone & Petrone, PC., Utica, NY. Attorneys for Defendants Ellis Hospital and Ellis Medicine: Paul Jureller, Esq., Thorn, Gershon, Tymann & Bonanni, LLP, Albany, NY

    Case Number: 6518-11

    Cite as: Rogers-Duell v. Chen, 6518-11, NYLJ 1202627559235, at *1 (Sup., AL, Decided November 4, 2013) 6518-11 Justice Joseph C. Teresip clas